Hello friends, in Dec 2008 I started having vocal issues during a cold. It has continue to come and go for the last 15 1/2 years. In addition to my voice after about 2 years, I began having myoclonic jerks, swallowing issues, dystonia, tremors, gait issues, spasms in my face. Tics, non epileptic & EPILEPTIC seizures and more. My life was completely turned upside down. I lost my job I had been at for 20 years, had to stop playing sports and missed out on so much if my kids lives. I tried multiple CBT, physical & speech therapists, and multiple neurologists. Many of which said it was all in my head. Finally I found a wonderful therapist, speech therapist and neurologist that didn't give up on me. That didn't say it was all in my head. They stuck with me. I have been so grateful to them for all their help, their non stop trying of different therapies,medications etc. I am happy to say that most of my symptoms are mostly gone. I went from 1 to 42 seizures in a day to almost making it a whole year without any. My voice lasts much longer than it used to and is so much stronger, my movements happen only here and there, not daily, and mentally I am able to control them better. Also finding the right seizure medication has helped greatly.
I am here to say, there is hope. Don't give up, keep trying. The saying is true, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again. I am still not 100 % back to where I was before this happened, I would say maybe 90 to 95% now. I can function now more often than not. I am back to work full time, and things are good. JUST KEEP TRYING!!