I have had epilepsy and fnd for a number of years, almost this year seizure free. When out of the blue I had 2 seizure at work. The change of air pressure causes me headaches but can this cause seizures. I have had 9 seizures when flying from America to the UK. I don't know if this is a trigger?
Is the weather pressure linked to sei... - Functional Neurol...
Is the weather pressure linked to seizures ?

I have noticed that my back pain flares up with changes in the weather. I’ve also noticed that my symptoms are much worse in the warmer months
Have you been dealing with an additional stress?
No which is where I get stuck on why did it happen?
Barometric pressure changes/altitude changes can certainly impact our brains (as many people with migraine know only too well) so it would make sense that cabin pressure in a plane could be a trigger for you. This is a really good observation and I think it would be worth asking about it via the feedback form on Prof Stone's site. I realise it doesn't (or may not) account for the two seizures you had at work but 9 on a flight is a lot and of course you'll want to know how to prevent that happening again.