I'm 68 years old female, Australia, recently I was put down for a driving test by my new gp, only saw her twice before, other gp left. It's the full test they give teenagers. I have failed twice, only one chance to go. My problem is that I very rarely drive, but being my husbands carer, need my licence. I have FND 6yrs, heart disease 12yrs, plus degenerative spine. My memory is not the best, they take you through different speed zones in quick succession, plus I'm starting to forget which gear I'm in. My son questioned if I should hand my licence in, he lives 4hrs away. Just need you guys to give me help to decide. Thanks in advance. Moni
Keep driving? : I'm 68 years old female... - Functional Neurol...
Keep driving?

This is a hard choice to make indeed.
Giving up something we all take for granted is so hard but the roads are a Dangerous place.
Can you change to a automatic maybe so you take away the worry of the gear change.
Im sorry im no t alot of use as this one is hard but you must do what will keep you safe its the Unknown of how life would be if you stopped driving is the hard part but we Adapt
Take care
Thank you for your reply, safety of everyone is my first priority. I've been waiting for driving instructor to get back to me, as I explained everything to her. It's very hard the test, stress causes me to make mistakes. I still have a couple of weeks to decide. I appreciate your thoughts. Moni.
I understand your problems with this. I can now only drive an automatic car because of pain and degenerative back, it's helped a lot. A couple of years or so ago, because of an FND seizure in hospital at the time , an occupational therapist reported me, without understanding FND to the Dvla (uk) so I lost my driving licence for 8 months pending health enquirys and had to do a special re test, classing as epilepsy..? My family also live miles away and not on public transport routes, which if your disabled is hard to access except short distance. In your case, I would think about automatic car and your quality of life and what would make you feel happiest.. Hope you resolve this.. Kind regards Sandra. UK.
At the age of 65 years old, I made the choice to stop driving because of FND . Stress and fatigue exacerbates my symptoms. Danger for me, danger for others on the road, that's was my question.
Now, I'am well with my decision. I don't regret it