I have to have an endoscopy done because of nausea and cramps. I don’t handle drugs well (I get numbness, heartbeat becomes irregular and something like a panic attack) and they are suppose to give me a sedative. What did u guys experienced having an endoscopy with FND. Thanks in advance for sharing.
Endoscopy with FND: I have to have an... - Functional Neurol...
Endoscopy with FND

Hi, i had an endoscopy , there was a choice between a sedative and a numbing spray, I went with the spray because I would be going home and to my little ones so the sedative wasn’t the best option for me, from my experience the spray definitely numbs! It can make breathing feel really wired but the assistant nurse was a real help with guidance through the whole thing,
if you can stay calm its very uncomfortable but doable.
I wouldn’t recommend the spray for someone who is prone to panic attacks,
If your difficulty only comes from medication reaction I would say ask about the numbing spray option hope this helps.
To be honest I’ve had 2 of these the first one I was given adequate sedation and it was fine these things are never nice but it doesn’t hurt and it’s over quick and the medication they give you you forgets what really happened anyway. But the second one they didn’t give me adequate sedation so it was different I remembered things more and I was wretching and I wet myself because of that so I would advise protecting yourself just in case and if you can cope with it ask for enough medication and not to skimp on that. But if I had to have one again no problem and I’m a whimp.
Hi, I have fnd and had an endoscopy 12 months ago make sure you ask for sedation otherwise it's quite uncomfortable.With sedation you will remember very little afterwards.Good luck.
I have had 2 endoscopies, both times with sedation. It's only a mild sedation and you are not out for very long. Could not cope without as I feel I would choke. Good luck.
Thanks for the question. I’m going to need an endoscopy in the near future.
I had my first endoscopy with sedation and my second with throat spray and sedation. The first was ok - some slight gagging, the second was better, slept through it all. The sedation is very mild and you are awake fairly quickly afterwards. Remember you will be in the care of qualified medical staff so feel safe with that. Do as they ask and relax in the knowledge that it will be over in ten minutes
Did your symptoms increase afterwards, how was the sedation?
No increase in symptoms. The sedation was fast acting. I just took the opportunity to have some decent sleep. I had to wait 30 minutes to make sure I was not groggy during which time they gave me tea and toast. You can't drive straight afterwards.
Interesting to see responses, I'm waiting for endoscopy and colonoscopy with sedation. Having severe pain, so will be happy to hopefully have an answer. I've asked to be reviewed by neurologist, but even though I put referral ages ago, have not heard anything. Hope all goes well for you!! Take care. Moni
OMG, am going in 4 days for oneand am completely petrified, wont let my hubbie in due to covid, can have asedative, but it would take a horse knock ut drop to get me sedated,am so afraid, words cannot express how muchxx
UPDATE: I was very nervous and my heart rate sped up when they wheeled me in, luckily the propofol sedative knocked me out quickly and completely, I didn’t even feel myself drift off, just next second woke up in the recovery room. Didn’t feel the passage of time and woke up as if from a nap. And I didn’t have an irregular heartbeat and didn’t get a flare from my symptoms, just a sore throat, so I was happy. The doc said my stomach was normal, so I’m going to have a gastric emptying scan next to see if it’s gastroparesis. He also said I was anemic, so I need iron. Today my throat is better but I have a lot of gas and diarrhea, either from the sedative or the iron pill I took last night.
My first endoscopy I didn't have sedation just throat spray and have a none epileptic seizure afterwards but second time I had throat spray again with no fnd symptoms afterwards and I work I endoscopy always best to tell the staff your symptoms and how fnd effects you. But even though I work there my colleagues don't understand fnd so educate the staff while your in the department