Feeling invalidated, alone, sad, and so drained. Emotionally, mentally, physically- I just feel so fed up.
I have an autoimmune disorder and mental illness. Specialists understand my autoimmune disorder, but I haven't seen one in years. Every doctor I've seen since then is pretty much doing a 'guess and check' with my treatment.
Besides that, it seems like doctors and therapists and family- everyone I try to get help from or even just talk to like a person to person conversation just slaps a "oh it's hormonal", "oh, it's your immune system", "oh, you're 'just depressed' ". As if that is helpful or comforting.
Now it's "oh that's just your FND". Like, cool, thanks.
I am grasping at straws. One day I am at my baseline, then the next day I can't walk and I can't sleep because I'm in pain. Can't brush my teeth, shower, cook, clean, for weeks, and then after a few days I'm able to. It's unpredictable. It's frustrating. My home is in disarray.
Had a good sob about it all earlier.
I just don't even know what steps to take.