Hi all,
Not yet had a full diagnosis of FND, but my GP has suggested it, along with a general medicine Dr and after literally ruling everything from autoimmune diseases to HIV out, it's looking like that that's the one, so-to-speak.
My question today is: ever had days, or even moments during a day where you just don't 'feel right'. You can't quite put your finger on it, but you just get a sense that something feels off?
I woke up this morning, actually felt nowhere near as bad as I had for a few days. I'm off work on sickness at the moment, have been for about 3.5 weeks. So I called my mum, had a long talk about various things with her, sent a few messages to my wife at work, did a few 'chores' around the house and ate breakfast. Then I was standing at the sink in the kitchen and just got a sense of not feeling right. Weird. Happens some times.
Of course, it could be part of the wonderful 'side' of mental health issues that come along with this. I'm not an overly stressed or anxious person, unless my symptoms are really hitting low levels.