I have develop a new symptoms like numbness in my lips and cheek , mostly on my right side of the face. Has anyone else been experiencing this kind of thing. .
Numb lips and cheek on the right side - Functional Neurol...
Numb lips and cheek on the right side

Thanks very much for your response , it was very helpful. I presume its one of many symptoms of fnd 🤕
I dont so much have the numbness as much as I get the burning sensataion as though I am about to get a cold sore. It goes from the right side of my bottom lip and down a straight path to my chin.
I get that every so ofent the numbness in my right side of my face? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand electric shock to my body and sneeing too
Yes I do/did. Was the first thing that took me to doc on top of stuff I’d had previously, leading to fnd dx. Comes and goes but stayed for months originally. Patches on face, mainly but not exclusively the right side. Very annoying when bad. When I’ve searched, trigeminal neuralgia always comes up, but that’s meant to be agonising and I don’t think my pain tolerance is so great as to describe this as not punishingly painful but only mild ‘pain’.
And the7thchakra, you’ve hit it on the head (pardon the vague pun!), treatment is precisely what is needed, not a diagnosis (though ideally both).
I have ‘pain’ on the right back of scalp also that can be bad sometimes, mainly when I’ve been lying on it. Agonising sometimes if I wake in the night, as if a heavy weight has been pressed on it. Less bad during day.