Hi, I live in Brooklyn, NY. Where doctors here think of FND as conversion disorder caused by stress. Does anyone live here too! Where are you guys from?
Anyone in Brooklyn, NY with FND? - Functional Neurol...
Anyone in Brooklyn, NY with FND?

Don’t settle on an FND diagnosis until your doctors have checked every other possible causes. So many times they are wrong about this diagnosis.
Have you had the autoimmune Mayo blood panel for autoimmune encephalitis? Have you had your thyroid checked, including antibodies against your thyroid, TPO and TG? Get another opinion from a separate neurologist and keep searching for answers!
I live in Philadelphia..not too far from ny...my wife has fnd..so u know there's more of a chance of doctors telling you you have something other than fnd and then it turns out theyare wrong and it really is fnd...I've been studying fnd for over2years now..i try n soak up Everyhing i can to help my wife out who was in a wheelchair for 4months ..she also had many many symptoms...she still has symptoms but is like 90percent better then2 years ago..wishing u and everyone else the best on here...my wife and I are familiar with ALL the ups n down associated with conversion disorder/FND
Hey there Philly! Went there for a Xena convention many years ago lol I am happy to hear your wife feels so much better. Was it antidepressants that helped? You seem like a good husband doing research to help your wife, mine is feeling suffocated by me at the moment cause when I am having an attack or feel really bad I call to him to sit by me and comfort me and want him to say soothing words while I ride it out, but he just seems upset and asks me well are you doing this are you trying that are you making your doctor appointments are you taking your medicine. All this while I’m having the attack as if that’s gonna help me at that moment. He does not have the best bedside manner. This happened to me seven months ago and needless to say we have not adjusted to this well. I get very scared and need him more to deal with this but it overwhelms him. So for the last two days I have not asked for help, but it sucks to suffer in silence, but I can still come here at least.
Thanks for the kind words..sorry to hear u guys aren't adjusting well..i really don't like hearing u say suffering in silence..do me a favor..get a notebook or journal and whenever your having issues(or even when your not) write out your feelings...write everything down your feeling..frustrations..pains..emotions..even if your feeling like man i really shouldn't be writing this(u writing...man all these people in this house are Pisssing me off Right now n i cant stand them)write it in your journal..it's ok to have them feelings n is good to write them down..its a release..its an outlet..u know u really love the people in your house but sometimes life can just get u frustrated n it's good to write it out..
Maybe when your feeling good u can talk to your husband n tell him that u know this is hard on him just as much as it is on u..comfort him..he most likely doesn't want to get theway he does with u but does get overwhelmed like u said...when he gets overwhelmed he then handles things in ways he wishes he hadn't but it was hard for him...in you comforting him while Your feeling good maybe your gental hand will rub off on him some..maybe he will calm down some n understand your point of view...hopefully u soothing him while Your not having symptoms will help him sooth u while u are having symptoms...it takes time getting used to everything..for the both of u...but there is light at the end...hugs to u😊..wishing thebest to both of u...chris
My sons name is Chris 😁 Thank you so much for your advice and kind words. Your wife is a lucky woman! It’s funny u mentioned the journals cause I was thinking the other day if I should write things down. I texted my husband this morning and told him, it’s Friday go out with your coworkers for a drink after work, he’ll be happy and have a good time...I just wish I could have a good time too, this disorder has taken away my freedom. I pray I get better the way your wife has, any tips on what helped your wife that I can use?
Hopefully she feels lucky..but I'm sure she wants to knock me out at times..especially when she's heard enough from me about FND..lol..i try n pour everything into her i learn..by the way great name u picked for your son!..lol... i was in brooklyn in early April..went to wwe hall of fame...first time i ever drove there.. Just driving through there is enough to stress anyone out..i usually take the train if i go to NY...so anyway.how are u feeling ?how was your weekend?and if u don't mind me asking..what are your symptoms...hang in there..chris
You forgot to tell me what helped your wife, please do 😊 my symptoms are many...numbness tingling lung prickling pins needles, tuning fork type vibrations, limbs feel like lead, daily headaches, heavy pressure on different parts of body, can’t walk too far, slurring words, weakness, fatigue, sometimes I can hardly move, blurry vision, tremors, jerks, swelling, droopy right face, I get pale sometimes, feet and legs get ice cold sometimes, sometimes my breathing is off and my heartbeat can become irregular but all tests come back normal.