no reflexes in lower leg or feet - Functional Neurol...

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no reflexes in lower leg or feet

kaya12 profile image
30 Replies

Hi I saw a neurologist two weeks ago and he noted i had no reflexes in my leg and feet he has ordered a mri of my spine but he suspects this will be normal i received my hospital letter and he has not givena follow up appointmnet just put no reflexes down to anxiety!! im not sure this is right as im not anxious and wasnt on day of appointment any advice would be appreciative on what can cause no reflexes in legs and feet and what my next step should be if any

Thanks kaya

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kaya12 profile image
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30 Replies
Gemmah87 profile image


I think wait for the results of the mri and if it shows something like demyelination the neurologist should see you again if it comes back normal still request to see the neurologist for a mri scan of the brain plus I think you need physio, also I think fnd shouldn’t be given as a diagnosis until all the tests are done good luck 🙂 don’t give up fighting for the care you need x

pickleweed profile image

What were your symptoms that brought you to your neurologist?

kaya12 profile image
kaya12 in reply to pickleweed

I have a tremor in my left hand which happens about 12 times per day and lasts for a minute each

Justdrea81 profile image
Justdrea81 in reply to kaya12

Have your vitamin levels been checked? Did the neurologist order an EMG? I had a similar symptom, plus others. It turns out I have a Vitamin B12/Folate deficiency and a severe Vitamin D deficiency. Have you had any blood work done? I have been told that it is impossible to control reflexes, because it's an automatic response. If you don't have reflexes, something is wrong. It can't be anxiety. My symptoms started very similar to yours before everything went haywire and I got much sicker. Please get your levels checked. I don't think this is FND. And it turns out, I don't think what is going on with me is FND either.

kaya12 profile image
kaya12 in reply to Justdrea81

thank you for the response, my vitamins are ok i lack vit a and d but the others are ok i have b12 injections , i just feel like i am being ignored as they not sure what it is i had a mri but still awaiting results my tremor is managable more irritating than anything and have lower back pain but have shooting pains going up the body towards my neck im at my witts end lol

Justdrea81 profile image
Justdrea81 in reply to kaya12

How low is your Vitamin D? Initially my neurologist could not explain my muscle weakness/tremors until another doctor ordered vitamin tests. After getting the results, my neurologist told me that low vitamin d could cause tremors/weakness. But my vitamin D was at a level of 4. A level of 20 is considered low.

I know what you mean about being ignored. It's very aggravating. Is there a functional neurologist in your area?

kaya12 profile image
kaya12 in reply to Justdrea81

i have seen a general neurolist but he has not made any future plans for me apart from discharging me just said no reflexes is one of those things :( i really dont know what to do from here maybe it is just one of those things and the tremor he said was a benign tremor my vit d was 17 about two years ago but have vit d injections to bring it up

Momofson profile image
Momofson in reply to kaya12

You should have them do a blood test to check your antibodies for ganglionic AchR antibodies. Your doctor can send it to Mayo to have them check but it sounds like you need a new doctor! Autonomic Autoimmune Gangilopathy can cause tingling and reflex problems. 50% of people don’t have the antibodies though, even when they have it. Look it up and see if you have any other symptoms of that and have doctor do some testing in office for symptoms. Blood pressure, sweating or lack of sweating, cand havesomething to do with the disease POTS. Many time people have stomach problems and much more. AAG breaks down into several different problems.

Justdrea81 profile image
Justdrea81 in reply to kaya12

No. No reflexes is not one of those things. That's a lazy doctor. Please find another one. Did he at least conduct an EMG? Reflexes don't just go away and come back.

kaya12 profile image
kaya12 in reply to Justdrea81

no he did not suggest a emg he said ive lost them due to anxiety ! i think i may may a appointment with my gp and ask if they have any thoughts

Justdrea81 profile image
Justdrea81 in reply to kaya12

I would find another neurologist. I lost reflexes, I had an EMG. My husband lost reflexes, he also had an EMG. It's the very first test that is done to look at nerves. I can't believe he didn't order one. I have permanent nerve damage because I didn't get down to the issue causing my nerves issues. It's extremely painful. I would hate for you to deal with a permanent and debilitating illness that won't get better because the first neurologist you saw was terrible.

kaya12 profile image
kaya12 in reply to Justdrea81

Do neurologists order that test I rung the secretary today and she said if he thought I needed one he would have asked for one I get lower back pain and pain in my bum cheeks unsure if that could be nerve related ! I really don’t know where to go from here

Justdrea81 profile image
Justdrea81 in reply to kaya12

Those descriptions also match symptoms that I had when I had a bulging disc in my spine. Does the pain ever start at the top and front of your leg, and wrap around to the back at the bottom? If you do, that is sciatica and would indicate that the sciatic nerve might be unhappy for some reason. I would go back to your GP and ask for an MRI. You can also go to a pain management doctor.

kaya12 profile image
kaya12 in reply to Justdrea81

hi no i dont get pain in the top of my legs sometimes like a numbness in lower legs im unsure what is going on i have type 2 diabetes so someone said my lack of relexes could be connected to that ?

Justdrea81 profile image
Justdrea81 in reply to kaya12

OMG, I didn't realize that you have type 2. Yes, it can definitely be related to that. This sounds like diabetic neruopathy. It can result in permanent nerve damage, reduction in healing, an increase in infection, and in severe cases, you could lose your feet. My husband is also type 2 diabetic, and the neurologist also saw that he had no reflexes. Guess what? He ordered an EMG. This isn't FND. Did the neurologist know that you were type 2 diabetic? I am upset that they aren't taking you seriously, when this is the first sign of a potentially very serious situation. This is related to your diabetes. Please go see a competent neurologist, or see if your GP who can order one. You don't want to mess around with this.

kaya12 profile image
kaya12 in reply to Justdrea81

yes he did no i was type 2 diabetic he just said anxiety related im on a wild goose chase i have booked a diabetic review with my nurse at the surgery for 3 weeks time and a drs app for a month so hopefully get some answers xx

Justdrea81 profile image
Justdrea81 in reply to kaya12

I'm glad you're following up with your doctor, and getting a diabetic review. That doctor sounds awful. If this does end up being related to something that isn't anxiety you should file a complaint against that doctor. You could have lost your leg if it does end up being diabetes, and you left it untreated.

kaya12 profile image
kaya12 in reply to Justdrea81

ive just rung the diabetic nurse up and she says refelxes are nothing to do with diabetes she has booked me in for a foot check in 3 weeks time but says its not them who deal with reflexes !

Justdrea81 profile image
Justdrea81 in reply to kaya12

I'm glad she's at least going to do a foot check for you. Yeah, it's neurologists that deal with reflexes. Maybe she can refer you to a different one. When you're in there, you can also ask her if someone can lose reflexes because of anxiety.

kaya12 profile image
kaya12 in reply to Justdrea81

The mri results are back and it’s not nerve pain I have a bulging disc and water on the tissues in the spine so just have to wait to see if I get any treatment or if it’s jusy a case of resting up

Justdrea81 profile image
Justdrea81 in reply to kaya12

If you have a bulging disc with no reflexes, you need to see a spine specialist or pain management doctor for an epidural to reduce the swelling. The neurologist can't do this, but your GP should be able to refer you. Please don't take a wait and see for this. You could still end up permanently injured if this isn't treated right. I also have a bulging disc that I kept trying to get treatment for, and no one listened. During that time my big toe went numb. It's still numb to this day from nerve damage. The bulge can still press on nerves in your spine, so it's still a nerve issue.

kaya12 profile image
kaya12 in reply to Justdrea81

ive just contacted the neurologists secretary they have discharged me and not referred me on for any further treatment im still in pain and have no idea what to do now i feel like a hypochondriac but i am in pain and no one seems to be helping me :(

Justdrea81 profile image
Justdrea81 in reply to kaya12

You are NOT a hypochondriac. Go back to your GP and see if you can get a referral to pain management. A bulging disc is very, very painful. I've had one. But a neurologist can't treat that, because they deal with nerves. So of course they discharged you. It doesn't mean they don't believe you. It just means you're at the wrong specialty. It's like taking a fridge to an auto mechanic. They're not going to know how to fix that.

kaya12 profile image
kaya12 in reply to Justdrea81

I’ve seen the dr he said the bulging disc is nothing to worry about and will get better With time and I mentioned about the reflexes and he said that normal in type 2 diabetes and he can not help any further just pain medicine and rest it but keep moving until it heals

Justdrea81 profile image
Justdrea81 in reply to kaya12

My husband has type 2 and he is getting testing done because his reflexes went away. If it doesn't go away on it's own in 6 weeks, then ask for physical therapy.

ToesKnees profile image
ToesKnees in reply to Justdrea81

It's difficult because alot of people have severe bulges without any symptoms or very mild. I think in if you look under scan negative cauda equina there's good references abd information. I also have bulges and huge pain

Tewa profile image
Tewa in reply to kaya12

Sorry to hear this. Seems when neuro or other drs don't know, they automatically go to anxiety or depession all in your head. A long and hard road to getting a dr to take seriously if it isn't clear right away.

kaya12 profile image
kaya12 in reply to Tewa

I think I do have a long road ahead of me I’m getting no where fast 🙁

Tewa profile image
Tewa in reply to kaya12

I hear you. It is all very frustrating and discouraging. I am going on 10 years with this medical conundrum. I can say that I have to take periods off and then get back on with trying to get help. The support groups online have helped me so much! I felt completely alone in this before. Most cannot understand how anyone can have a illness that cannot be diagnosed. Wishing you the help you need, the strength mrngthh to continue, support and some peace of mind. Gentle hugs.

ToesKnees profile image

Belive it or not I guess it can have non organic causes I go from no reflexes to when I get nerve flare ups they become hyper.

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