Still can't find a doctor in Rochdale that dosent think nfd is a mental illness who trains these idiots past two mental health test clean bill of health but still got no doctor the 5 IV tried refused to even come to the house I'm attached to a feed machine 23 hours a day bed bound had two strokes broke my neck and spine in 4 places cafiterised have 24 hour carers I'm diabetic epileptic only thing that works on my body is my left arm ever since my nurosergeon diagnosed me with fnd on top of all my other problems no nurses come now to maintain my pipe or cafeter been 3 years since I saw a nurse my carers are having to do all my meds and insulin and they try to do their best but they aren't trained medically or trained to work my machines so my 14 year old daughter does them all its bad when a 14 year old has to handle morphine pregabalin a loot of naughty drugs NHS is a disgrace and all the doctors need sending for retraining I just live day to day now if I make it to the next day it's a bonus run out of meds and feed takes me two weeks to get feed and meds through a emergincy doctor so every month I go two weeks without meds they say I need to keep me alive and I have two inject soup into me for two weeks good job I am strong minded or I'd have thrown towel in a long time ago
Still can't find a doctor in Rochdale - Functional Neurol...
Still can't find a doctor in Rochdale

Can someone take you to A&E?

Been to a and e there is nothing they can do they said they only look at my records and refer me back to my nurosergeon who as instructed them not to touch me because they can make my neck worse my neck and spine are gone they can't repair them and because of the 2 strokes and all my medical conditions nobody wants to touch me been to a and e 3 times they said their is nothing they can do and I need a decent gp to look after me been trying 3 years now I just thrown the towel in got infections in my stomach bladder and chest but just having to ride it out because IV got no antibiotics and no doctor to give me one
So sorry to hear all this💗
Me again. You need to contact Sal the FND patient advocate. Her e-mail address is it's worth a try before you end up dying of a UTI or pneumonia through lack of care. Do if for your kids if nothing else.
You may have to just get any old GP and try to train them up. Just think of them as prescription monkeys. Unfortunately it's hard to change ingrained ideas. GP's and doctors don't want to know that they have been treating sick people appallingly for years. They would rather listen to anything that backs up their thinking than have to admit that they have to change. They are not all that bad, there are some who are starting to listen.
Hope you get the care that you need. xx
Yes, I like that ‘prescription monkeys’ accurate description🤣
Can I say there are grave areas for concern that need to be addressed by your care givers. Untrained people giving controlled medications and insulin is very worrying and a dangerous practice. Your GP should get a community Matron out to asses and manage your complex needs.