Yet again I am going to have to change doctors mynew doctor came to visit me wot a complete prat I'm bed bound had two stokes broke my spine in 4 places cafiterised Ian machine fed and watered through a pipe fitted in my stomach for the last 13 years I asked the idiot doctor wot it means to have developed fnd on top of all my other injuries she said it means I have developed mental illness that makes me imagine I'm I'll but I'm not really ill it's all in my mind wot a prick after my two sons heard this she was told to leave immediately otherwise my sons were going to put her through the front window that's 4 doctors IV changed in a month they are all useless they had to Google fnd to find out wot it was useless doctors need sacking how can I have a doctor help you when they think it's a mental health disease I look after myself now I have 24 hour carers so I don't need any prick doctors around me they had never heard of fnd at the hospital so wot chance have you got to get treated non so now I will never mention fnd to another doctor because they treat you like a nutcase if you do IL just let them treat me for all my injuries and I will never Tel any doctor or hospital I suffer from fnd now because Kingsway doctors in Rochdale England say if you do I'm just telling people I have mental illness and are unstable wished I'd never heard of fnd it has just made my life a missery can't even get a doctor to come see me now they refuse to come out IV passed a full mental health check still won't come out or put my nurses that I have had coming for 13 years to maintain my peg pipe or cafiter now my carers have to do it because as soon as I was diagnosed with fnd they doctor stopped them coming said it was two dangerous the only thing I can move on my body is my left arm lol how on earth can I be dangerous IV been paralysed ever since I broke my neck unless they think I will kill them with my previous bag my advice is never tell anyone you have fnd because they think your a fruit cake lol rant over I just give up trying to find a doc that dosent think your a fruit cake
Were can I find a doctor that does no... - Functional Neurol...
Were can I find a doctor that does not think fnd is a mental health crisis

First of all, I am so sorry you are being treated like this. It's very common unfortunately and to find a good GP who understands what FND is is hard.
Where do you live?
Here is the website my specialist wrote,
It's a very handy website and gives you alot of information.
The way my specialist explained it to me was your like a computer, the hardware is the brain is fine but the software has an error in it (nervous system). I tell people it mimics MS, Parkinsons and epilepsy. I have the symptoms of all these with no damage to the brain.
I hope this helps.
I live in England yet to find a doctor that thinks I have not developed mental health problems even though I passed my mental health test never realised how many useless doctors we have in England it's their job to educate themselves about fnd IV given up I won't even be telling the next doctor IV been diagnosed with fnd wots the point theirs no cure for it and the doctors over here just see money they could not give a toss about patients anymore I have yet to find a doctor that has heard of fnd they all have to Google it so wot chance have I got stuck in a bed 24/7 non
Hi Wildfire 22.
I'm only newbie here and the way you have said your Dr explained to you what this horrible condition is the exact way the neurologist explained to me when she gave me my dignoses s week and a half ago. But u just wanted to say the way you also have summed it is amazing and thanks for the assistance we can all use in your advice to Spartacus. Hugs keep strong 🤗.
Hi Spartacus, would you believe that when multiple sclerosis first came to light and was more common in men then women, that people who went to health professionals with the symptoms, they were actually locked up in asylums. It was all boiled down like this condition and also myalgic encephalomyelitis.(M.E) (yuppy flue) and (FMS) Fibro myalgia syndrome to be all just a mental health thing. It was only when a consultant of some kind a well established man was struck down with the MS that then the research began. Back then it was not called MS ( multiple sclerosis) it was actually called creeping paralysis. And when other medical professionals got struck down with it and people were so scared of the title, they then changed it to multiple sclerosis. Just like now FMS and M.E they are all now classed as sisters of the MS family. This condition in time too will be recognised all over the world as the research goes on and the word about this awful condition is more heared about. I myself have a Gp who's not upto speed on NFD . Im going to have to do all the research myself as I did with my own two dignoses of the FMS an M.E 20 year's ago. But I tell you when I do get information everyone here be informed of it as I post it here. Sending everyone here lots if healing vibes hugs with comfort and light and hope to catch up soon. Keep strong 🤗🙏
Sorry to hear you are having a hard time. You have legitimate grounds for complaint if you have been given out dated, wrong information by a doctor - go through the NHS complaints procedure. It's best not to threaten them though. No matter how tempting. They are morons, but once you start shouting at morons then it makes it harder for others to gage who the real moron is. If that makes sense. I tend to use cutting, but accurate remarks. I have brain fog so I have pre-planned scripts for such occasions as doctors who don't know what they are talking about. I love putting them in their place.
Any how, Rochdale is in the middle of a bit of a dead zone for FND. I think the best bet would be to find someone who is a professor of neurology at a large teaching hospital like Manchester Royal Infirmary. They are more likely to listen or to have read and understood properly the research of others. They tend to realise their limitations unlike the dumb ass type who profess to know what they clearly do not know and fail to see their limitations. Sometimes there's e-mail addresses on hospital websites. Maybe contact Prof Mark Edward's team at St Georges Hospital in London, there's an e-mail address on the website. They may be able to direct you to a more up to date candidate.
I saw a Prof for a second opinion years ago at Manchester Royal Infirmary, he's retired now, but the difference in the way I was treated was huge. It may be your best bet. Rochdale is not the place that attracts neurologists of any repute. I used to live in Bury years ago and it's the same there. Have a google and find e-mail addresses and sound them out first.
You are not alone. Remember there's patient advocacy available on the FND Hope website.
Good luck xx
I'm bed bound and attached to a feed machine 21 hours a day because my throat got paralysed when I had a stroke I fell 70 ft and broke my neck c1 and my spine in 4 places and were a full body brace to stop my neck and spine moving I spent 4 and a half years in hospital they won't transport me anywhere to see anyone they say it will do more damage than good moving me I'm paralysed down my right side and have 24 hour carers I can cope with all that but since some so called nurosergeon from Rochdale diagnosed me with the fnd on top of all my other injuries no nurses will come to the house no doctors only once because as soon as they tell me I have mental health problems because they are that thick that's wot they think it is my life has been destroyed no nurses come anymore to maintain my peg feed system or maintain my cafater my carers do it and they aren't even trained IV past two mental health test in 2 years just to prove I'm sain still no nurses come won't even give me a bleeding wheel chair they have to use the shower chair to move me about on IV been sleeping in a chair for two years because my hospital bed broke they took it away and because only a nurse can order one from Ross care I never had any problems till that fruit cake diagnosed me with fnd I'm supposed to be on 42 meds a day I'm on non because I've got no doctor to do me a Perscription at the moment I have 2 feeds left then I will have to go 9 days without feed before I can get a emergincy doc to order my feed and get it delivered this happens every month I'm not on any medical line at all so I just take each day as it comes and try not to let it get me down my 2 little chihuahua are the only thing that keeps me going I mean wot threat am I to anyone their is only my left arm works but I'm still smiling I won't let them get me down
Rochdale have always had a bad reputation, my mum used to be David Clement's PA and he went from Bury to Rochdale NHS trust. The man was a total sexist arse wipe and they keep putting him charge of hospitals and health services - hopefully he's moved on, but it's all who you sleep with and nothing to do with your abilities, truly frightening what they get away with.
Last chance I checked the treatment for people with mental health issues was not to leave them alone hoping that they will snap out of it. I had problems with my mood and everyone wanted someone else to do something and in the end nobody did even though I was suicidal at the time. It was when I tried to walk my mood dropped like a stone. I was just left. Luckily I found after researching my other health issues to optimise them that I had a vitamin B6 deficiency on top of everything else. Now I'm ok, but I've done more for myself than anyone. I appreciate you don't have mental health issues, it's just a handy point if you make a complaint. I feel you should.
You are also entitled to a second opinion, even if they can't move you - it seem strange to be labelled FND when you have so much neurological damage. FND is distractible and there's supposed to be no organic disease or damage present. I know there's no miracles on the cards for you, but just being listened to in a rational manner and having your condition understood is a start.
It's worth getting in touch with the FND Hope advocacy team. There are charities out there to help too. You should not have been put in a position where you can't get any medication prescribed. It's a total disgrace.
It's nice to know you have pets to keep you sane. My cats have kept me alive in some very dark times and have you one hand to flip the bird to anyone who deserves it
I feel that we should keep complaining and educating otherwise this will just keep happening to more people. Just think that if a neurologist hadn't developed functional symptoms and put himself though an fMRI and researched into functional symptoms there would be no hope for any of us.
Your story is making me so cross I am shaking with anger. You would get better treatment at the bloody vets. What the hell has our NHS come to ? You are in desperate need of a Dr who actually Drs that has some ruddy compassion - which is not easy to find this day and age I never see the same Dr twice !
Can your sons not highlight your story ? I would be in touch with my MP- wonder what the P stands for ? Oh yes *rick. Seriously I would have the story in the papers and if possible escalated to the local news.
I would name and shame the *uggers.
I recommend reading or listening to the Kindle version of the book Functional Neurologic Disorders. It has a section of several chapters on treatment.
I am glad to hear you agree with me on this ridiculous diagnosis FND. You havn't got FND you are like myself 'very unwell' and some dick head has come long and slapped a label on you as they have me so that they do no further - what they refer to is unnecessary tests or over medication.
In other words it's not about our health its about saving money. I have admiration for your son's kicking the stupid mare out I would have done the same. I wonder if they get a backhander for labeling people like us.
I suffer with various autoimmune diseases. Due to a minor stroke I was referrerd to the stroke clinic. The consultant did the push me pull me touch my finger touch your nose thing and told me I had suffered a minor stoke, This is the good bit - he asked my marital status and if I had had any traumas in my life other than my health problems ! By this time I thought what the hell has any of this got to do with having a stoke so I avoided answering his question. He stuck a tuning fork on my head then asked me to do the pigeon toe walk which I was unable to do due to my balance and spinal problems. He handed me a scrap of paper with a web address on and told me to look it up, this I did I but couldn't make any sense of it. I asked the twat to explain it in layman's terms - I wish I hadn't.
When I received my consultation letter FND had been added as a diagnosis, I was livid. To cut a long story short I have since done research - FND in my case was based on what his 'possible' findings of my gait and slow left eye movement but naff all else. My mistake yes there was I couldn't do the pigeon toe walk - perhaps that's because i'm not a ruddy pigeon. I have actioned a complaint with pals which is a waste of time but you have to go down that route before taking it further- and I will.
Your story has made me so bloody angry to think your not getting the help you need because of this bloody FND label. These Dr's would be better off sting labels on can's in a supermarket rather than label critically people like ourselves and getting paid good money for doing so -
Functional overlay is not a recognized psychiatric diagnosis. Evaluating functional overlay and differentiating between this concept and organic conditions is important in medicolegal areas in which financial values are placed on pain and disability.
What sort of B's are we dealing with in our hospitals and surgery's to warrant such appalling treatment ? By the way I like a bit of fruit cake.