I wondered if anyone would be able to help me understand.
I had disabling low back pain that came on first as a slight localised tingling and went on to severe and painful muscle cramps, which left me bed ridden for 2 weeks. The pain started to subside but never fully went away, instead turned into an uncomfortable deep itch/stretching feeling which came and went. So I got back on my bike. I felt great when I cycled but uncomfortable when I had finished so I stopped it. Forward 1 1/2 months and I start to feel weakness in my left foot which then started to radiate up my leg. At the most extreme I was unable to feel my leg to walk and became so weak that I ended up in hospital for 2 days. I had other symptoms in my neck and left arm too, with on and off blurred vision and tingles coming and going in other parts of my body. I failed neuro exams on my left side which prompted the doctor to order MRI of head and spine to check for demyelination, however, he said he thinks I MIGHT have FND but wants MRI to be sure. So he prescribed nortryptaline 1x10mg which at first had me sleeping like a baby then gave me insomnia, so I came off it for a few days and chose to tough it out until I could get Dr appt. I'm signed off work, i struggled with stairs and long distance walking, my left calf muscle loses strength. I also start getting red pin spot type bruises on my body which look like track marks. So I start to think, "okay, this is going to be a journey" then all of a sudden my symptoms pretty much disappear. I wake up one day and I can walk. The strength is back. Tingles have almost gone. Twitching has stopped and can tense my calf muscle. Is this normal? Again I try to find out online but I don't see a lot written about symptoms just disappearing like that. I don't have MRI appt yet but I have neuro appt on 11th September and a part of me feels both will be a waste of resources when someone else can use it. I know I've written a lot and given some detail but really the question is in the title. Can FND disappear?