To all my community friends.
You have been so kind with your support and concern. I give you a report back on my experience with fludrocortisone.
I suffer from low blood pressure that is thought to be possibly neurogenic in origin. I was treated with the above drug for symptomatic relief only. The drug is a potent mineral corticoid designed to have the kidney reabsorb sodium and raise blood pressure. In exchange, the kidney excretes potassium and I believe one hydrogen. This is an off label use of this medicine.
The drug has not been able to produce the full intended effect. Today, the dosage was increased but to no advantage yet as it has a rapid peak plasma uptake and half life. The experiment will continue for now. I diligently stay the course with doctor.
Please know this report is only interim and applies only to my condition. I thank you all for your continued hopes.
Dan / Seattle