"Weakness in Seattle...": My community... - Functional Neurol...

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"Weakness in Seattle..."

19 Replies

My community friends.

Transitioned from disease in process to palliative state.

Doc experimenting with drug to try and bring "UP" blood pressure which is way too low. High salt and fluid intake did not work.

Advised that may be in stage of trading one effect for another.

Amallia, I started my reading of Buddhist approach to this phase of life. I can overlay that with my Christian upbringing and beliefs. Thank you for your wisdom and timing.

Found an old piece of paper with a note of speculation that I liked. May be that neural circuitry just got overdeveloped in some people instead of getting over active as the sorcerers of "sigh-chiatry" like to say. Often wondered about the role of oligodendrocytes and astrocytes. Like endless stars above.

Kind of like being born with too many teeth. Some of us may just be different. I like to think of us as unique.

Not smarter. Just too many wires in the wall.

I live for those moments just to be near Patricia. Togetherness replaces struggle. Life is precious.

A member of this community for longer than I knew.

Daniel / Seattle

19 Replies
englishmumof2 profile image

My heart goes out to you Dan my friend in Seattle! Your long words have me confused.... but then does so often my kids requests of things.... no idea what they've asked..... keep on going my friend ....

omg just googled palliative state... no it can't be ..... seriously.... please your on the USA someone somewhere must be able to help.. ok what help do you need??? I have people in ny who raise money for various medical things .... I'll put in calls see if they have contacts in places that can help...omg... no please no ....

in reply to englishmumof2


Don't get carried out with the tide love. It all OK. No one is sending in hospice. You take care of you. That is all I wasn't to hear. You have a friend for life. It all works out.


englishmumof2 profile image

Ok so what's causing palliative care.., what diagnosis??? Let us know incase we know people, places that can help! Sending you and your family hugs, prayers, my best wishes that somehow between us all we can help!!!

in reply to englishmumof2


All of my needs are met. Rest easy. It is OK.


Hi Dan,

Am in disbelief.

I know you have been a bit quiet on here and was aware of your appointments but was just thinking you are adjusting to new meds and taking it easy.

Please if you get the energy tell us what's going on. I'm not your family but am sending you love and so much suport. Please don't give up.

You are such a strength to all of us on this website and I pray and look forward to someone with half a brain getting you medication that works. I can't understand how BP can be so uncontrolled.

I was brought up to believe in God but so many things happened that I questioned when I was younger that I searched other religions and Buddhism made the most sense for me. It respects all other religions and I used to tell people who didn't understand - it's just about being a good person and doing nice things for others. The practice is actually really complicated.

I think you achieve that on this site alone.

I never try to convert anyone, just like I wouldn't want to be converted but I'm saying my prayers for you tonight that you are more stable tomorrow and slowly improve.

I'm Not accepting, I'm with Englishmumof2, anything we can do let us know xxx

in reply to


You such a part of life. The Buddhist mind set seems so good. I want only to see you guys come out OK. I was brought up to understand you always return to your roots. I think you reminded me of my roots from all the writings of your life. Such an honor to have read about your walk through life. Tired now. Going to rest.

You a very good and kind person Amallia.


in reply to

Dan you are a superstar. Look after yourself and rest.

If you can send a like or anything you can manage so we know you are still a part of the gang and hanging in there until we can get over there and kick some ass for you


I always be with this community. Always.

Go get some sleep. You still have to be my role model for tomorrow so I know what to do next.

Good night Amallia.


in reply to

I will always try to be your role model. Don't know how good I am.

Doing my Vajrasattva Mantra for you. You can find it on YouTube when you have the energy it is very nice to listen to it's under Buddhism uk as there are lots of versions.

Goodnight Dan

patti86 profile image

Oh Dan, Im sorry this is a difficult time for you....we all get those moments when you think..."what the ______". and please feel free to fill in that blank.

I am at a loss for a wise comment...perhaps tomorrow. been tough week for many of us. I am still processing things and I am not sure the extent of your illness. as I am sure we all have an "organic basis" behind all that we are dealing with. Doctors just need to believe and look in the right direction....I hope that what ever you are dealing wth is nothing but another track on the roller coaster. perhaps we can grow wings and be a beautiful unicorn....after all rare does exist.

I am not sure of your faith. I do believe that God has a plan. we may not always understand why. For the life of me, I have no idea why I am dealing with all that I am....BUT, I suppose we are to keep our faith and know that what ever the plan, things happen for a reason. perhaps its someone chatting on line and helping people who live around the world through a difficult time. what I do know, is that we all have a path, and all we can do is be the best that we can be and help those around us. my heart is hoping that you will feel better very soon.

I will send prayers to you...Just remember to stretch really high and reach to the left. or right,. dam those winds keep changing. Just feel the breeze and my positive thoughts for calmness and wellness are near.

Stay steady and stay positive.


Thank you dear Patti. Just need time.


Hopeful40 profile image

My heart goes out to you Dan.

I would like to share this writing with you by Jan Richardson that I reflect on often. It brings me a sense of peace and calmness. My hope is that it may do this for you also.

I can not tell you how the light comes.

What I know is that it is more ancient than imagining.

That it travels across an astounding expanse to reach us.

That it loves searching out what is hidden, what is lost, what is forgotten or in peril or in pain.

That the fondness for the body for finding its way toward flesh for tracing the edges of form, for shining forth through the eye, the hand, the heart.

I cannot tell you how the light comes but that it does. That it will. That it works its way into deepest dark that enfolds, though it may seem long ages in coming or arrive in a shape you did not foresee.

And so may we this day turn ourselves toward it. May we lift our faces to let it find us. May we bend our bodies to follow the arc it makes. May we open and open more and open still

To the blessed light that comes.

❤I will be keeping you as well as your family wrapped in a blanket of prayer.

in reply to Hopeful40


What a beautiful gift of verse to open back up my heart.

May God Bless you. Our family receives your prayers with joy.

Light is truly all around.

Dan / Seattle

Thinking of you dan and your lovely family, just hoping for good things to happen for you. Always Lisa 🤗🤗🤗🤗😊😊😊😊

in reply to


You bring hope and happiness again to our family. Your kindness is so enduring. Thank you.

With love from Seattle.


englishmumof2 profile image

Sending you and the family prayers 😇

in reply to englishmumof2


God Bless you for thinking of us and sending prayers our way. We would be lost without you. Sending you love for a better day.

Dan / Seattle

patti86 profile image

dan, i hope you are well. sending positive thoughts. :-)

in reply to patti86


Thank you for your thoughts. Maybe today. Do take care.

Dan / Seattle

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