I was diagnosed last year with gastroparesis, which is a where your stomach becomes paralyzed. It is a very debilitating condition in itself. I have seen two research hospitals, including the Mayo Clinic in Florida. Neither of the specialists could tell me why I have gastroparesis, besides a glitch in my Autonomic nervous system. Im currently taking 25 MG of amitriptyline, which is a life changer as far as pain, being able to eat and generally improving life overall.
Roughly 9 months after being diagnosed with GP, I suffered a kick in the femur by a horse. I had a severe contusion, but no break. My symptoms started roughly 2 weeks into PT. The leg was painful as to be expected, but shaking and tremors in the leg were at first dismissed as muscle fatigue. After having more episodes of leg tremors in the affected leg, I was sent for MRIs on my lumbar, right hip and femur. I saw a neurologist in July, who conducted a emg, which was normal and wrote the report up as FND.
The leg is mildly better in baring weight, but severe tremors are induced by to much activity. I have been experiencing temperature changes in my leg, moderate random swelling and pain from my hip to the location of the injury.
I know CRPS 1 has similar symptoms as FND at times. Has anyone experienced both FND and CRPS or been misdiagnosed with FND instead of CRPS? I question FND a bit because I have several CRPS symptoms except for extreme pain. Thou, the amitriptyline has improved my severe stomach pain so much, my leg may in fact hurt far worst than what I'm currently experiencing.