I'm trying to get my head round this diagnosis and one of my questions is 'am I disabled'? My symptoms certainly interfere with daily life, even though I'm 'normal' to look at. Chronic fatigue, dizziness, memory problems and word/sound mixing are the most notable.
Is FND classed as a disability? - Functional Neurol...
Is FND classed as a disability?

It depends how you define disabled. There are lots of hidden disabilities, for instance, deafness, very bad eyesight, diabetes and so on. One does not have to be in a wheel chair to be classed as disabled. I would say if your symptoms interfere with the routine of your daily life or work then this could be classed as a disability. Wikipedia gives a better explanation than I can. You can read about it at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disab....
Sorry I cant give you a better answer but a medical person would be the one to ask.
i would say yes, a condition which affects your every day life for at lest 6 month can be classed as a disability. i have had fnd/nead for 5 years, i get high rate mobility allowance, so to me if i have a mobility problem ,then i have a mobility disability
Yes FND is a ''Disability is the consequence of an impairment that may be physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional, developmental, or some combination of these. A disability may be present from birth, or occur during a person's lifetime.'' It's us who have FND that know what it is, but it's very hard to describe to others what it is? that don't understand any cognitive problems when I get confused. So I tell a little white lie to people like bus drivers or members of public (not medical specialists) that ''I have a brain injury and I get confused. ''Then they generally understand as brain injury has similar symptoms as FND. Rather them thinking that we are going mad with something wrong with our heads.
Thanks for your replies. I also asked my GP and she said...well, (hehee!) I can't remember her exact words but it was basically 'yes, for now' - then reassured me that I could get better. Though the waiting list for CBT is a year long!
CBT what a load of rubbish. I was diagnosed with FND and I was basically told to get on with it as though it was in my head. I suffer with leg tremors especially when I get very stressed or I am placed in a stressful situation. Most days if I undertake too much work I will not be able to move the following day as the muscles throughout my body stiffen up. I was also told that my bladder problems were also linked to FND. yet again this is nothing but crap as I have been diagnosed with kidney reflux to both kidneys and this is from birth. It has caused kidney damage on both sides. Try and seek a proper diagnosis rather than be told the word FND. in my eyes FND should stand for "For No Diagnosis". It is a label that is given when medical professionals give up. Don't give up on yourselves. You all know you own bodies,it is not in your head even though they want it to be.
Take care all.
Hi I'm new to the group so hello, I have just spoke to my G.P and she stated it is not a disability as its worse when you are stressed, My condition is head nodding so i look like a nodding dog, hard to find words, and forget people's name, and stutter when i'm nervous, I am on amitripline 30mgs a night. I feel so alone and don;t knw were to go or what to do, mine started after dental work. so just taking it has it comes. x
Hi Noddingdog
Mine started 4 months ago after dental treatment. I'm really not stressed, they took my heart rate while my nodding was going on and it was normal. I have been signed off work for 4 months and am going to loose my job soon if it's not sorted. I also have sudden attacks of mild shaking through to severe convulsions, sudden difficulty walking and speaking, and sudden rolling of the eyes. I am really concerned about what to do as I work in a school so it's not possible for me to work with all this going on.
Hi all this is a very good question I only got diagnosed with FND on Tuesday stroke like symptoms memory loss numbness verbal loss etc. I have had 4 episodes in last 4 months 2 with which meant hospital have spent the last 10 years being told it was MS then told it wasn't now only to be told it is FND. My son is 3 and was really looking forward to going back to work when he is 5 is this going to be a possibility?
Hi . I was originally diagnosed with MS. Then fibro. C.f.s and migraines cropped up along the way.
Today FND was mentioned by Physios. I had a year of CBT finishing around 6 months ago and was in a great place and nothing has changed health wise.
I feel like they think everything is in my head. I have PA support and am so worried I am gonna loose it.
I have a child and am only 36. Literally got no idea what to think or do. ...
Also on full DLA and esa and concerned about that now to ... X
I went to see a. Neurologist private and it was him who diagnosed FND after that went to see neurologist on the NHS, he confirmed it was FND and recommended I went in to the Rosa Burden Center Bristol I was in there 3 weeks learnt how to walk better control my tremors and help me feel totally better about myself.
You are not going made (I did think I was going mad at first) but I wasn’t
My brain is fine it’s just the connections to parts of my body don’t get through, sometimes I cannot move my legs or arms sometimes all 4 together. You just have to relax while your body try’s to contact the part of the body. Then it comes back slowly weighing heavy and again wait till full function returns.
For DLA (PiP) just stay in your chair or scooter and if they ask to to stand up.
Tell them the problems you have day to day and you will stay on it.