Joe Tippens:
I tried it a couple of years ago. No benefit for me.
I've been around for a bit, and do not recall anyone expressing significant benefit on using it, with the following Disclaimer:-My brain has been on ADT drugs for a number of years, and it is showing signs of wear and tear...
I also tried it and did not find any benefit for me. I am not saying that there is nothing to it for anyone, but maybe prostate cancer patients are not its main demographic.
My husband tried it for many months prior to having his prostate removed and there was no benefit.
Thanks for posting. It's good that people can reference this, even if to rule it out. We are all stage 4 advanced prostate cancer and need as much information as possible. I actually take Mebendazole. No idea if it works though. I figure anything that might screw with the cancer is worth a try, if no side effects and crucially your oncologist is aware and blood results are monitored.
When I had BCR a few years ago, I took this and some artemisinin protocol. PSA was on the increase but using these stopped progression. Decided on SRT which is a real chance for cure with little downside. Cancer is smart and figures ways around what we do over time. Happy with both decisions.
Thank you to all. I was sent this and thought I should post for reference in case it could help someone, thank you all for your responses and those several of you have have tried it for prostate cancer, and sorry to hear the negative results in this horrible disease. Perhaps the attack mechanism (Which I am still studying and still learning as I adjust my diet to attempt to halt progression of tumor size) so it likely isn't appropriate for the PCa whereas Tippins had stage 4 lung cancer a completely different cancer.
Tippens said they had reports of success with PCa. I asked him about the audits Emory, Stanford, and the Oklahoma Medical Research Org. had undertaken to validate fenbendazole results and his dissembling answer made clear that there were no conclusive results.