New meta-analysis below [1].
The day that I had a prostatectomy, my surgeon had another operation. The man was found to have cancer in a lymph node, so was stapled-up with his prostate intact. This was in 2004 & debulking was considered to be pointless since the patient would be receiving systemic therapy. I believe that the situation has changed somewhat over the years.
When the concept of oligometastatic PCa began to be accepted, with the potential for cure, I assume that removal or radiation of an intact prostate would be part of standard treatment. However, for the following survival statistics to be meaningful, oligometastic controls would have had their mets treated – but not their intact prostates. Seems odd & maybe my reading is incorrect.
“The oncologic outcomes of cytoreductive prostatectomy (CRP) in oligometastatic prostate cancer (OmPCa) are still controversial. Therefore, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis on the oncologic outcome of CRP in OmPCa.”
“A total of 11 studies (929 patients), 1 randomized controlled trial (RCT) and 10 non-RCT studies, were included in the final analysis.”
“In {progression-free-survival}, in {the randomized controlled trial}, HR=0.43 … was shown statistically significant, but in {the non-randomized controlled trials}, HR=0.50 ... there was no statistical difference.
“… time to {castration-resistant prostate cancer} was statistically significant in the {cytoreductive prostatectomy} group in all analyses ({randomized controlled trial}; HR=0.44 …) ({non-randomized controlled trials}; HR=0.64 …).
“… {cancer-specific-survival} was not statistically different between the two groups (HR=0.63 …).
“… {overall-survival} showed better results in the {cytoreductive prostatectomy} group in all analyses ({randomized controlled trial}; HR=0.44 …) ({non-randomized controlled trials}; HR=0.59 …).”
“Overall” survival trumps the others imo.
-Patrick [1]