My view is that until I'm told by a doctor that I have cancer I don't have cancer. So, today, at least, I don't have cancer - but that could easily change tomorrow when I get the results of last week's biopsy.
What won't change so quickly is the need to wee so often. I fear I'm stuck with that little problem for the duration. My question is; is there anything being done to reverse the trend for local authorities to do away with public conveniences all over the place?
It's getting impossible to find one at all in some towns and other places you visit insist you have a 20p piece (nothing else will do) to give them if you need to spend a penny. AND, even if there does happen to be one still working, you can bet the ranch that parking anywhere near it is liable to get you a huge fine! AND as for bus and railway stations ...
So what are we going to do about it? One idea I had recently was inspired by a protest the local homeless people conducted last year in Maidenhead. Basically, they camped out for days on the grass in the area in front of the council offices.
I'll leave it to your imagination what a large group of mature chaps with prostate problems could do on the Town Hall steps to draw public attention to our specific problem!
Incidentally, once we have the dreaded diagnosis, does anyone know if we're entitled to get the key to the disabled toilets you see at airports etc?