After having a TURP in October the biopsy showed some PC. As I am in a fairly good state of health for a 70 year old it was totally unexpected and I was dumbfounded. Saw a second Urologist and was told my MRI and bone scans were clear and that my PSA was 0.3, Gleason score 7 and the stage was TB1. The consultant told me it was not aggressive and could be 5 maybe 10 years before it became a problem. I am on active surveillance and have ben told I will have to have a PSA test every three months for the rest of my life. Though I'm still concerned, I am not as worried as I was, and consider myself fortunate as it could have ben a lot worse. Any advice from anyone in a similar situation would be welcome.
Relieved, but still have a concern - Fight Prostate Ca...
Relieved, but still have a concern
Sounds good. Every case is different. My PSA was 5, Gleason was 5+3=8. MRI, CT and bone scans were all clear. Staging was T2, N0, M0. BUT on advice by Urologist, I had the prostate removed on 24th Nov by Da Vinci robot controlled keyhole surgery. I am 74 nearly 75, but fit enough for the surgery. Good luck.
I am 70 years old,fit,stopped on to work till 69,have mild copd,went for copd tests,March last year. Told doctor was having problems, getting up at least twice in the night to toilet,did psa test...but did nit write to me until October,by this time my psa was 27, sent straight to see urologist, who sent me straight for CT scan,and MRI which confirmed it had not spread,had to go in under anesthetic for biopsy, confirming,nodules on both sides of prostrate,with a gleason score of 9, aggressive with a high risk of spreading,refused to remove,have to have hormone implants every 12 weeks,and undergo 37 days of high intensity radiotherapy..Good news is it has brought gleason score so low unreadable,but still having to have hormone implants and blood test every 12 weeks for a least 2 yrs,side effects poor,still having urine problems day and night,now found out I have a Diluted Anal Stenosis due to the Radiotherapy,so more problems,and maybe small op,still waiting for appointment..Glad you are on watchful waiting, Keith
As I said in my earlier reply, every case is different. I had my 6 week post op check Monday 4th Jan. PSA is LESS than 0.1 (to be expected as I now have no prostate!). As I had a Gleason of 8 with some being aggressive, my Urologist advised the op. Your 27 PSA and Gleason of 9 is far higher than mine were, but you seem to be OK at present. Good Luck.