Hi there..
I'm 20 years old and my dad has recently been diagnosed with stage 4 prostrate cancer. I'm very worried.
He is only 51 years of age... but he has been a poorly guy for a good 10-15 years now.
He has suffered and still suffers from an endless list of things..
- Deep vein thrombosis
- Pulmonary embolisms (He is prescribed warfarin to prevent them reoccurring. This thins the blood)
- Osteoporosis (This was diagnosed two years ago when he lost feeling in his leg and fell to the ground. The fall resulting in him breaking his hip and femur. He underwent surgery for this)
- Degeneration of the discs (His discs in his spin are crumbling)
- Fibromyalgia
- Osteoarthritis
... and then some....
My dad is very modest and does not like to worry my twin and I due to him already facing many other health issues.. So I am doing some research on this so I can have a full understanding.
He has told me that there are 6 stages of this cancer... 1 being the lowest stage and 6 being the most advanced. My father has been diagnosed with stage 4. Apparently this isn't in the advanced category from what my research tells me.
Now... He has been offered surgery to remove the cancer.. but he will not be able to through with this, due to him being on warfarin, it is extremely risky to open anyone up when on a blood thinner.. and way too risky to take him off of this medicine. So my dad has told me that he is going to take the radiotherapy option.... the thing is, he cannot start this treatment until his testosterone levels have lowered. This is because testosterone feeds the cancer. Unfortunately... my dad has been on scheduled injections of testosterone for just a little over a year now. This was because he was having issues with an enlarged urethra... at this point in time there was no cancer found, hence why he was prescribed this method of treatment.
So now he has to wait 3 months for this testosterone to leave his system, so he can then start his treatment.
I guess I just wanted maybe some advice... or information that anyone has about prostrate cancer..
I'm a young and worried daughter as you can imagine and like to be informed and educated on my fathers conditions so I can be of best help as possible.