Hi everyone not been on here in while ... my husband has been told his prostrate cancer has gone from being all contained and fine to being metastatic spread threw his whole skeleton and to scull ... completely devastated is an understatement... only has about year if that
Advice : Hi everyone not been on here... - Fight Prostate Ca...

Our friend has the same as your husband. He’s still working , he was giving his diagnosis last summer. He had chemo and is now in a couple of injections. One every month and one every three months.
Have you ever gotten a second opinion from CTCA cancer treatment centers of America? They will fly you both out no cost pick you up and less than a few days have you a plan. Or you could send them all your husbands scans and they will give you their thoughts. It’s not over yet..
So sorry to hear this. We are desperately sad for you and all your family. Have you ever gone to a cancer support group such as Maggies if there is one near you? They are a brilliant support to cancer patients and their families. Google them online and see what support is available near you. You could also join the Macmillans Proistate Cancer Support Group online which is similar to this with the addition of being able to either telephone Macmillan nurses or email specialist nurses via the website which has been a great help to me over the past 2 years.
Sorry to hear about the wide-spread recurrence after initial treatments. I know it can be a real emotional shock, for everybody.
You may already be familiar with the variety of treatment options for advanced prostate cancer that could be available in the UK National Health Service. Here's a link to a recap:
You might want to take any statements about a 1 year overall survival time with a significant grain of salt. Many men survive considerably longer than that if one or more of the several available treatments for advanced metastatic prostate cancer happen to work well for them and their specific cancer biology.
Thank you so much
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Ouch. Devastating. Unfortunately some prostate cancers shrug off the treatments and do that. Very sad.
So sorry to hear that .