My first post on this forum
I thought I would let you know what it is like getting treatment in a couple of isolated places in Greece
I arrived back from sailing the beginning of October having left for Greece (by Plane) the end of July
Prior to going my PSA had gone up to 10 so it looked like my Prostate cancer was returning after radiotherapy several year ago I had a couple of scans, luckily it had not spread, so I was put back on Zoladex. I needed 2 while I was away and my GP let me have 2 to take with me. I had 1 before I went and the nurse showed me how to do it. She asked if I was ok doing it. I answered yes to someone else, bit of a problem to myself.
Anyway off I went. The first time it was due I found an Albanian Doctor on a little Island who did not speak English so a Greek friend took me. Did it no problem slightly differently . First went out to his car and then came back and washed the area with 3 different liquids Put on rubber gloves and injected. Then covered in gauze and tape that looked like a major war wound. Asked how much? “What you like” so gave him 10Euro
A month later different Island and a young Greek GP. A lot of reading of the packet then one quick rub and attempt to put it in. Said seems to be a problem. The safety lock was still on. Took off lock all fine, wound dressing again though a bit smaller. Refused to take any payment. Hansom young man and all the Mothers were bringing their Daughters to see him with any minor ailment.
It was easy to get the treatment though may have been difficult had I not had the Zoladex with me.
Merry Christmas to all.