i was told to claim dla off my esa ad... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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i was told to claim dla off my esa adviser but people i know are saying i won't get it is this right or should i still try??? x

sexysooz7685 profile image
9 Replies
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9 Replies
VonnyM profile image

You should still try, but don't fill in the form by yourself, if you can get an advocate to help you or go to the CAB. You need someone else to read it with you so that you fill it in as best you can.

sexysooz7685 profile image
sexysooz7685 in reply to VonnyM

thank you, do you get it if you do not mind me asking? i have that depression anxiety and a over active bladder as i found out the other day, plus i might need a op to fix it :/ i'm still waiting for my other hospital results back to as they have tested for lots of things like me! i think i will go to CAB even thou you only get 15 mines with them.

in reply to sexysooz7685

The CAB can actually help you complete the forms Sooz, so it might be worth making an appointment with them in case this takes longer than the allotted 15 minutes. They can be a great help with form completion. :) xxx

VonnyM profile image

I have DLA for fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis along with depression.

I get mid care - as I have irritable bowel, irritable bladder, and arthritis (among lots of other things)

I get high mobility because the fibro and arthritis affect my balance and my walking. I have severe pain if I walk any distance.

I would fill in the form with help as soon as you can. Whilst you can. Good luck

fibro profile image

I believe that if you dont claim you will never know, its possible you will get turned down, most new claims do, but at least try to the next stage of getting them to look at it again.

I have been in receipt of DLA for mobility long before i even knew i had fibromyalgia, but i was born with problems with my hips, but even then I was turned down first time, but when i asked for them to look at it again i was given a life award. however that at any time can still be reviewed.

i know the conditions for obtaining a blue badge have or are changing but I remember reading on the form you wont be eligible just for having a hip replacement, well I had my first hip replacement at 41 after many ops on that one hip and I still cant walk any better, in fact i'm much worse now as the other hip needs doing! But if I had just completed the forms they may have only looked at the condition and not looked at how it effects me, DLA being exactly the same. I would rather go for a medical and produce 'my body' to them so they can see for themselves. if they then turn me down then I feel I would have more to challenge them on.

Filling in forms is much like emails or forums, there is no sentiment as such in the written word and it can be interpreted differently by different people, so if you fill out an application, if at first you don't succeed, try again and insist its looked at by a different officer.

sorry for rambling but just explaining my experience of the situation… hope it helps xxx

Sarah-Jane profile image

I wish you good luck with this as it will seem a lot to do, but it is worth it. One page at a time, be very honest - but use your worst days as an example.

I have DLA for mobility, or my lack of. I had to follow the application up with a letter when they said they would review it in 6 months! I broke down and wept as I wrote how trapped I was totally unable to get myself out to 'pop to the shops' or 'walk the dog'. And I could not get to the bus stop to get to/from work either. I have a mobility scooter now and am delighted with it.

Good luck.


I get DLA Low Care and Higher Rate Mobility. Don't be put off from claiming, yes DLA can be a hard benefit to claim but if you don't try you will never know. Try and get either Citizens Advice or Welfare Rights to help you fill the forms in and as Sarah-Jane says use your worst day as a scenario.

Try and be as detailed as possible. You can also look for any free online guides to filling in the claim form to give you some ideas.

LindseyMid profile image

There is some info here:


If you email info@fibroaction.org then our Admin Emma can send out the Benefits & Work guides for free.

sexysooz7685 profile image

thanks all for the messages i have not been very well really low energy levels so ive not been on here!! i have actually sent off the booklet today and i have forgot to put down i have IBS should i ring and tell them or leave it? if anybody want to add me on fb im called suzanne mummytofour tiffen or mail me ya numbers im a nice person :)

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