Urticaria: Does anyone suffer wth this... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Does anyone suffer wth this? I have had a week from hell...even been to A & E for IV meds wed night..suffered for years though this is a bad outbreak and I think a reaction to a new drug I'm on (Steroid) for some nasal polops...Trying to sort without sugery. I've now been sat here since 4am and still after large dose antihistamine i'm all flared up...

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18 Replies
Lucyw profile image


I suffer with it very badly and have for over 15 years. It never leaves me and now take antihystermine tablets every single day. If its really bad which it wasa few months ago I took steroid tablets for 3 weeks.

It is a horrible thing to suffer from makes you for very ill and hurt all over, I really feel for you. My doctor doesn't know if its caused by FMS or the medication I take. All I know is I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

Gentle hugs hope you get it sorted soon. The meds I take daily are Telfast 180mg.

in reply to Lucyw

I'v been on Telfast for about 8 years due to itchy skin and have had out breaks of Urticaria in that time but usually not as bad as this...I may even go back to A & E as its starting to go on my face too now and I feel like my skin is on fire...its all on my chest, neck, arms and sides and to be honest I could cry...I saw the pharmasist this morning and she advised not taking the steroid nose drops I had given as it may be that thats causing a reaction...I', a walking pharmacy right now and I really want off this bus!

is this hives you both mean?if so i keep getting nasty outbreaks too and its only since ive moved our rurally that its happened.i cant go out and wear pants etc ..and its so pinful and itchy and hate taking more steroids..

if im right oh you get better soon x

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What I get and am treated for with telfast is idiopathic urticaria however this is more of an allergic reaction...its not quite as hives I would say as its not like little pimples/spots but large red patches of raised flesh...I also live quite rural though have not had too bad a hayfever year...

The Hospital gave me more steroids the other night both IV and to take 8 a day for three following days.

Thanks for the reply x

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thats what i get and he said it was hives.they look like raised blisters...x

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Some of mine looked like ring worm the other day and some like blisters...its strange as it goes down and then comes up in another area...all the same red raised patches at the minute thoug when depressed normal skin tone appears though the skin is hot to touch

I get this if I take B vitamins, some medicines and also if I sit in strong sunlight. I have to take a course of antihistamine before and during holidays, wear sun block and avoid sitting in the sun (no wonder I have Vit D deficiency!). You have my sympathy as it is a miserable thing to suffer with. Jane x

I also take Adcal-D3 1500mg's a day for my vitamin D deficiency, I don't enjoy the heat /sun as I think years of seasonal allergies sort of make me limit myself as well as this year being pretty rubbish. Thanks for the reply x

I've just re read all my lasted medication leaflets and it could be one of two that is affecting me, both were given by ENT at the end of Sept...I haven't used one of them today as its not life threatening going without...I think it will talke a while to get out my system just not sure how long.

I'm sat here with an ice pack in a tea towel just to cool bits down...been doing this since 4am on an off :(

fibrodave profile image

Hi mumof5

Its not very nice is it, I am just recovering from an Inguinal Hernia op last week but your question attracted me as I too have some of your condition, I also have Angiodeama with the Urticaria and was diagnosed with these conditions in the same year as being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, I do believe that these conditions plus many more illnesses that I have to cope with are all related to FMS as so many of us here seem to have every others illnesses, In the interim of going to several doctors/specialists they thought I had Lupus at first because I had the classic red butterfly rash on my cheeks but then this was dissed and I was told that it was an allergic reaction to something, sometime later I had to attend hospital because all my lower bits became very swollen and painfull and the hospital doctor said that I had had an allergic reaction to something, but they couldnt say what so I was given a course of anti-histamines, I also suffer from hay fever during the summer months and have done since I was about 9yrs old. One day my face got so swollen and my eye lid looked like someone had pumped loads of air into it, it came up like a balooon it was this point when I was diagnosed with Chronic Idiopathic Angiodeama and Urticaria. I take fexofenadene, neoclarityn and singulair I still get skin eruptions but they are not very frequent so I think the medications are working plus I also have lots of Food allergies which could also cause these skin eruptions and I have been told by a specialist that these conditions can also erupt internally as well causing havoc with all our internal organs. I think you should ask your doctor to send you for an Ige test to see what you are allergic to then perhaps you can avoid foods that could be causing your Urticaria to affect you.

please let me know how you go on ..... fibrodave

in reply to fibrodave

Thanks for your reply..I have now had this bout going on since wednesday morning and I also have a perminant lump in my throat too which makes me think its an allergic reaction...the rash is moving all over my body and now also on my legs and side of my face. I have taken all the meds I can and will be back at the Docs in the morning. I had been taking Singular however doc wanted me back on Clenil though has said if I feel its better to carry on...I have never had so many health issues than I have of late and at 46 I just want it all to go away x Luckily I have a brilliant and understanding hubby who is simply the best!

enazena profile image

Another sufferer here and I can really relate to you all having just got over a really bad bout of urticaria. I was also given antibiotics and various steroid creams and in the end I was smothering myself (where I could reach) with calomine lotion. I was also taking antihistamine tablets everyday. As I also have lipoedema/lymphoedema I have to be careful when I get any skin eruptions and I felt so ill. It is also difficult to explain to friends and family just how awful you feel. My last flare seems to have died down but yesterday it started itching on the back of my neck and I am praying it will not get worse.

Sending lots of healing and gentle hugs to everyone.

E x :)

in reply to enazena

I get reaction just about every day however it usually goes away quickly so I knw this is more...My drugs intake atm is silly so trying to decide which could possibly be the culprit if at all is almost impossible.

I'm in catering and have even thought it could possibl be down to a food I touched, though I would have thought it wouldn't be this severe.

I am booked for allergy tests at local hospital though I missed the call friday so need to chase it up x

julieevh profile image

I had allergy problems and to be honest found the NHS blood tests worse than useless. Then I paid to do a Vega Allergy test in a Health food shop.

It was incredible and narrowed down my allergies and told me where I had intolerences and so had to be careful not to overdo it.

I found I was allergic to fish (cod went off the scale), Carrots (again off the scale) and seafood in general. I was taking cod liver oil capsules at the time so that explained my almost constant reactions (I was in hospital with anaphalactic shocks 5 or 6 times a month).

I also discovered intolernces to wheat, eggs and onions so tread carefully but don't have to delete them from my diet.

It may be well worth finding out if there are any Vega testers in or visiting your area.

Julie xx

barnsleysar profile image

I suffer with anaphylaxis due to unknown allergies and have to carry an emergency kit consisting of epi pen, steroids and large dose antihistamines. I also take a large dose antihistamine daily (plus extra if i feel signs of a reaction coming on) They 'kind of' narrowed it down to my menstrual cycle and the hormonal changes related to it but they were unable to give me a definite diagnosis and its not something that they can tell me to avoid. I mentioned i had fibro but they said that at that point in time (2009) there wasnt enough studies/evidence to prove/disprove the chemical changes and deficiencies in fibro sufferers blood and hormone levels and urticaria/anaphylaxis (yes i was just as confused as you all will be reading that last bit!!!!!) xx

I have an allergy test booked for the end of Nov...I also the same as you have more problems with my cycle and I also get more pain at that time too...hardly able to move on waking and after sitting down for a while...Apparently my last hormone tests showed lower end of normal and therefore no reason for my issues.

My breakout has settled though I still have the odd patch coming up here and there...I scratched my head so much I now have raw patches.

I have a rhumatology app friday am and and hope to get a little more helpre all the stuff I have currently happening...Te doc is lovely and very caring.

I have said for a couple of years that everything I have is linked in some way and after reading on here I am even more convinced.

nanatre profile image

I have had severe Urticaria for over 15 years now. I take an anti histamine everyday too. My son has now developed this. It drives him mad.

I also know I have antibodies in my blood. antibody FYA, I have no idea what it is, all I know is its all in big red letters on my files. I cannot give blood due to having this.

I am also taking Adcal for bone thinning. Amazing how so many of us are so alike!

Have you had a transfusion in the past or organ transplants or rheumatoid arthritis ? and ened up with a bacteria infection? I had 6 pints after an arterial bleed during a section and can no longer give blood though they never wanted it in the past as I was always aneamic...

I've had a bad night again and my breathing and skin are both not great today and I'm feeling crap... I know I'm reacting to a medication however seem to get more things wrong with different meds.

It is unreal how so many people have the same issues....I have a rheumatology app tomorrow and hope for a few more answers as I seem to be drowning in conditions however look fine even though I'm not.

I'm so glad none of my children have the urticaria as it is awful and very stressful too.

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