hiya I recently been diagnosed through my gp as apparently my health records indicates and he is certain I have fibro… all my bloods have come back fine. He says the fact I have previously been diagnosed with ptsd and I do have , ibs, bipolar/EUPD eczema and hyper mobility and Ibs there was no need for him to refer me on for further tests. Is that normal
recently been diagnosed. : hiya I... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
recently been diagnosed.

The general rule is that once other conditions have been ruled out then fibromyalgia can be diagnosed. However if you have any new symptoms or symptoms that get worse your GP needs to be informed. Since my wife was diagnosed she as had treatment for bilateral capel tunnel syndrome, Morton's neuroma, Hammer toes and as just had an operation on her knee. The initial symptoms were all blamed on fibromyalgia. There is a problem with GPs tending to blame fibromyalgia for everything. You know your own body so if something new happens then it needs to be investigated.
I have had a few bloods done they was all normal I also spoke to a foot dr who asked me to be referred on to Rheumatology. As he said my medical file indicates it’s an autoimmune problem. A dr from my gp called me to say he’s looked at the notes and it’s defo fibro but someone said to me a dr can’t diagnose it only a rheumatologist
A GP can diagnose fibromyalgia. There is some discussion if a rheumatologist should diagnose the condition. In America it is considered a neurological condition and diagnosed by a neurologist. My wife as never had abnormal bloods such as raised inflammatory markers etc. Both rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis do not always have raised markers. My wife's PSA was diagnosed on symptoms alone. She feels fortunate that her conditions such as osteoarthritis, capel tunnel etc were diagnosed before fibromyalgia as it's very easy to dismiss some symptoms as fibromyalgia. My daughter as just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia however early psoriatic arthritis as not been ruled out due to a strong family history of PSA. She is twenty five and the GP dismissed PSA despite her grandmother, mother, auntie and numerous cousins all being diagnosed with it. The Rheumatologist however thinks there is a strong possibility. Is there anyone in your family with an autoimmune condition. If there is then you definitely need to see a rheumatologist.