Hi does fibrom. Effect anyone's throat and swallowing please
Fibromalargia: Hi does fibrom. Effect... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Good morning a was struggling with this for months finding it hard to swallow food was being stuck in my throat everytime a swallow feels as thou something is at the back of my throat a was referred for a endoscopy were they discovered a had a hatuis hernia which has caused inflammation in my esophagus which has caused this maybe worth speaking with your doctor regarding your symtoms x
this was exactly the same for me.. hiatus hernia plus oesophagealitis . I think this is very common in fybro patients. Lots of people have gut problems. I had a course of lanzoprazol 30mg and now on maintenance doze of 15mg.
I had my gallbladder out a few year ago and since then I have had issues with my stomach and swallow. I have had food stuck in the middle of my chest, I also get food stuck causing me to aspirate, had it not been for someone here at the time I don't know what would have happened as I couldn't clear it myself, I really panicked and thought I was going to be unconscious , I have been through various procedures and they can find anything wrong ! I do worry 😟
Hello there. Yes, I have. It feels like I've forgotten how to swallow sometimes.
I also have to have as many of my medications dispersable and there are a lot!!
Hi yes me to my jaw mainly days it feels so bruised and hurts when eating .
I have a post-cholycystectomy hernia, basically my stomach has herniated through the scar, so, I have problems, especially if the food is fairly dry, such as a sandwich, and I don't have a drink to hand. Also my oesophagus is scarred from reflux.
I find dryish food balls up in my upper oesophagus, and it can cause me to vomit without warning. I'm 75, I can work around it. Too many other problems as well.
Cheers, Midori
Yes definitely sometimes think I'm going to choke x
Thank you to every one. I also have an hiatus hernia so makes sence thankyou all