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fibromyalgia diagnosed - how effective is 10mg amitriptyline iin managing symptoms?

Ivyamanda profile image
40 Replies

I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and prescribed 10mg amitriptyline. Does anyone have experience of how effective thisfor managing the symptoms? Am I right that taking the tablet a couple of hours before sleep is a good idea? Any suggestions for a topical cream/gel to help alleviate the discomfort on legs and arms? Can I drink a glass of wine when taking amitriptyline?

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Ivyamanda profile image
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40 Replies
Camille1 profile image

Hi, I started on 10mg. It helped with nerve pain, overactive bladder and getting more restorative sleep. I had it increased to 20mg a few months ago to try and help more with the overall aches.I take mine just before bed, but at the start it made me sleepy the next day.

It takes a few weeks to notice real benefits, so stick with it.

I personally don't drink alcohol, it can apparently increase the drowsiness.

50andupwards profile image

I take 20mg at night, been on it 4.5 years. I found it helps with sleep more than the pain, was advised by doctors to up it to 50mg but found it made me too groggy the next day. I drink alcohol in the evenings sometimes and nit had any adverse effects.

madblondebint profile image

I took it for years working my way up to 50mg a night, weaned myself off it at the end of last year and I can honestly say that I don't feel any difference & I'm definitely sleeping better without.

Ivyamanda profile image

thank you for the tips. Little said by doctor other than diagnosis, so relying on NHS website and from those who have experience

Loobielu profile image

I'm also recently diagnosed and was started on 10mg of amitriptyline. The first few days I thought wow, magic! Slept great, really helped with pain and then it slowly crept back. Sleep got worse again, pain got worse again yet the side affects were starting to make me feel worse than I started 😏. I battled through for 3 months before giving them up and the withdrawal after such a short time was a surprise. GP said yep, just stop taking them but I wish I had done it gradually. But, many many people really find amitriptyline helps and with this condition you have to try everything. Best of luck x

Ivyamanda profile image
Ivyamanda in reply to Loobielu

thank you for the information. Taking my 10mg dose around 7 rather than bedtime is better. I am also using Optima’s Glucosine Complex Gel 2/3 times a day on affected arms and legs is helping subdue the tenderness pain and pins and needles .

Loobielu profile image
Loobielu in reply to Ivyamanda

Hi Ivyamanda, thanks I've not heard of that gel. I will Google it 👍. I use ibuprofen gel on the bad days but I'm not convinced it does much lol. My worse pins and needles are in my finger tips, drives me batty! 😫

DavidCB profile image

I took it at that dose briefly for a couple of day alongside gabapentin, I took it before bed and found I space out and felt like i had just woken up really early and not quite focusing and. It safe to drive, the pharmacy recommended a lower dose but gp said it already was and the gabapentin was probably causing it in combination.

As I was having issues with gabapentin already at higher doses the idea was Tony be this alongside, in the end I’ve stopped both of these and gone back to pregabalin.

Fadeddenimcutoff profile image

Hi, I had to stop taking amitriptyline as it made everything worse for me. I've been prescribed ibuprofen cream for pain in my limbs but it is of no use, I find tiger balm more effective.

Ivyamanda profile image
Ivyamanda in reply to Fadeddenimcutoff

I have been using Glucosomine Complex Gel by Optima on affected arms and legs 2/3 times a day helps subdue …

Fadeddenimcutoff profile image
Fadeddenimcutoff in reply to Ivyamanda

Is that on prescription or over the counter?

Ivyamanda profile image
Ivyamanda in reply to Fadeddenimcutoff

over the counter £7.95 in a small local health sop, only 6p cheaper than online.

moo196 profile image

This is the only medication I take for pain. But also totally avoid anything with artificial sweeteners in ( check everything from yoghurts to ketchup and obviously every type of drink - sadly most even tonic waters have it in since the sugar tax).If I haven't taken it by 7.30pm then I don't take it at all as it affects me (and a lot of people) in the mornings.

IMHO it's much kinder to the body than a lot of the other drugs people are taking and it works reasonably well.

Good luck!

Loobielu profile image

It does indeed feel like a vicious circle and lonely too 😏. My GP eventually referred me to a rhyumatologist who diagnosed me and discharged me back to GP on the amitriptyline. When I spoke to GP re coming off Amitriptyline she said yes come off it. I said what next and she said no idea 🤷, great, thanks 🤦 madness isn't it x

Danimccrea profile image

I've been on and off antitripalene for over a year used for fibromyalgia, at first started with 10mg increasing to 50mg gradually, 1 thing I definitely found was the earlier in the evening you take this medication the better it is before 7pm as it leaves you with terrible drowsiness and foggy head if taken later on, I don't drink alcohol, also I found it works really well for sleep and relaxing your body a few hours later after taking this only for a few weeks I stop and start taking mine for periods as it does stop working once your body gets used to dose, also nightmares for me are horrific of this particular medication it's really a trail and error type every 1 is different. For pain it's not massively effective, but again every one is different. I would trial it for atleast 2 month then see how you feel, if not try a stronger dose or even something different. Lots of love ❤

Danimccrea profile image
Danimccrea in reply to Danimccrea

Also mentioned above a definite stop taking it gradually as its not a opioid they tell you there's no side effects but there is withdrawal symptoms specially once dropping a higher dose quickly. Good luck. Take care

Ivyamanda profile image
Ivyamanda in reply to Danimccrea

thanks for your reply - have found taking my dose 7pm rather than when I go to bed has helped me feel more awake in the morning.

moo196 profile image

in my humble opinion

DavidCB profile image

I’m ‘too young’ [38] to go on anything stronger and it was that (or antidepressant med which don’t work for pain with me) or nothing from my GP (UK). I went on 10mg amitriptyline briefly along with gabapentin 300mg as gabapentin alone wasn’t working that well, had daily headaches and sexual issues on it, so they put it on me 10mg amitriptyline alongside for pain, well I took it at night and was spaced out / could t quiet focus and just woken up groggy / sleepy still at 5pm the next day, I wasn’t safe to drive on.

Went to the pharmacy and they told me o could take a lower dose, GP when I got hold of one told me the two meds together may be making me spaced out. I had to decode to stay on them and loose the car, just have the gabapentin (which had many issues), or to go back on something o had tried before (deluxatine or pregabalin) which have their own issues; I’ve gone back to pregabalin and on the lowest dose 25mgx2 day and expect I’ll try to top at 50x2 as I had less pain last time and the side effects were reduced although the GP will say I’m not on a proper dose.

Very limited otherwise in the UK as to what’s available.

Beakybird58 profile image
Beakybird58 in reply to DavidCB

I’m too old!

I’ve been on all sorts for over 20 years. I’ve recently been diagnosed with a prominent lumbar scoliosis alongside DDD , fibro and sjorgrens syndrome etc.

Gp trying to stop EVERYTHING as NICE guidelines are saying long term opioids& pregabalin ‘don’t work’!im struggling to see, at 61 yrs of age with a crumbling spine how I’m supposed to cope with worsening back/ hip& thigh pain. I’m scared. I have very low dose oramorph atm as I’m supposed to be strengthening my core to protect my back… I m finding any kind of exercise leaves me in excruciating pain. Why are they trying to stop everything except paracetamol when my pain is excelerating? I’m at a loss as what to do next. Can’t see a nhs physio unless I go private( wales) I recently had an caudal epidural-which has helped with groin& nerve pain but it hasn’t touched the SI joint issues… grrrrrr x

Spoonielady profile image
Spoonielady in reply to Beakybird58

I understand your frustration. A friend of mine here, in England had a knee replacement. She was offered nothing for post op pain. This is shear madness.

veggiefan70 profile image

I take a total of 30mgs of Amitriptyline in 3 tabs of 10mgs. I take them spread out over the evening with approx one hour gap between each tab. It seems to prevent the 'groggy' feeling the next morning. I know some people take them all at the same time but I find thats too much for me. I also take one 15mg tab of codeine just before bed.

I used to be on Tramadol but my GP insisted I come off them brcause of addition. But Id reached the point where addiction was a small price to pay compared to the pain and other symptoms of Fibro.

Jessgina profile image

hi I’m now on 70 m at night it doesn’t make me groggy at all the next day I take it at 10 each night even after having a drink people react differently but I find it great for nerve pain

Purplebluebell profile image

Hi, I've been on this dose x nearly 30 yrs. A great help to me. Symptoms come back if I try to come off it. I take 2 hours before bed.

Re alcohol it enhances the effect so I don't drive after a drink but do have wine etc at home.

Ivyamanda profile image
Ivyamanda in reply to Purplebluebell

thank you for reassurance.

Loobielu profile image

Lol what the hell indeed! Different opinions indeed, I've definitely found that 😫. My husband is lovely bless him but he's a super fit runner and thinks nothing to do 12 hours running, climbing up Snowdon whatever he did (I was in bed with covid). We are currently trying to move house, downsize, reduce outgoings so I can work less and have less stress and hopefully join a new doctors surgery and get a new doctor and maybe then things will improve 🤞, who knows. I'm so sorry you don't have support, that's really tough 😔 x

fabpup01 profile image

Hi Ivy, I started on 10mg of Amitriptyline and my body quickly go used to it but after a couple of months it started to have little effect. I am now on 75mg which I take a couple of hours before bed. It is the only med I am on for Fibro. I don't drink for a couple of reasons, I am T1 Diabetic and can't tollerate alcohol and also it says on the packaging not to drink while taking them. Good Luck with it

Lima6MCT profile image

I stopped taking it as it made me feel worse, felt "out of it" but that's just my personal experience, others swear by it.

Alit69 profile image

Hi, I'm on 40mg I take it at 6pm a few hours before bed, it doesn't help with sleep (I still don't feel like I've slept) but it helps relaxing with pain. I've got fibromyalgia, chronic sleep syndrome & osteoarthritis. I dont drink & havent done for years but im on loads of other tablets as well xxxx

Welshcatlady profile image

I was prescribed 10mg of Amitriptyline when first diagnosed but it really didn't help me much, so the dose was increased slowly until I was finally prescribed 50mg, and that helps with the sleep and pain. I don't take any other meds for Fibro other than Co-codamol which I take when the pain is really unbearable, I was addicted to Co-codamol and was taking the maximum dose every day, so was weaned off them, until now I only take when absolutely necessary. I get no side effects at all from the Amitriptyline, most nights I only get 3 to 4 hours sleep anyway. I also drink alcohol and that doesn't have any adverse effect either. It really does depend on you, Amitriptyline effects are different person to person, so it's a case of trying them and seeing how they effect you.

Ivyamanda profile image
Ivyamanda in reply to Welshcatlady

thanks. Your experience reflects that of many others. I will not touch Co-codomol after bad experience some years ago.

Welshcatlady profile image

Yes co-codamol can be really scary, I was lucky that I hadn't been taking them for very long, but I was addicted, so I could wean myself off them.

Scoo1961 profile image

Hi ,

I’m on 10mg it’s good to help you sleep and pain .

The side affect I found is dry mouth in the mornings .

If you like a wine 🍷 have one I do :)


Ivyamanda profile image
Ivyamanda in reply to Scoo1961

very early days, but 10mg is enough to ease symptoms, but also applying Glucosomine Complex Gel during day. And yes, a glass of wine in evening.

Kazzza1976 profile image

hi . When I was first diagnosed with fibromyalgia I started on 10mg but has not gave me much relief from the pain. My gp has now increased it to 25mg which is a bit better now . I take mine just before I go to bed. I personally do not drink alcohol with medication. This will increase drowsiness.

kenjod profile image

I take 50mg of Amitriptyline an hour before bed - first thing in the morning try doing 10 minutes vigorous exercise (or as vigorous as you can manage - not just stretching) then have a long cold (or cool) shower ... it takes away the drowsiness for me.

Ivyamanda profile image
Ivyamanda in reply to kenjod

thanks for the morning routine tip - I will try.

ANJI-UK profile image

EVERYONE is different, what works for 1 doesnt always work for another. only you can say if its making any better , worse or no difference? Im damned if i can remember the gel for burning it burning pain that u have it for....... hangon...... MOVELAT? OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT THE GEL I HAD? RU DIABETIC? iF LEGS BURN/ITCH? uSE CLEAN COLD DAMP CLOTH and 'scratch' with that rather than nails. Flannel helps cool them down too

Elay profile image

Hi 10mg is the usual starting dose for amitriptyline. Everyone is different and I personally went all the way up to 150mg to aid sleep and for pain. I would say this was an end to a means to keep me working, however I have now retired and I have managed to cut it back to 55mg with 15mg mirtazapine. As far as alcohol is concerned I did still drink, again everyone is different and it might make you more sleepy as a side effect. I don't drink alcohol now as I had to lose weight due to diabetes :( and found drinking stopped me losing weight . You may find you're a bit sleepy to start with. I take my amitriptyline and mirtazapine around 8.15pm and by the time go to bed at around 9.45pm it starts making me sleepy. I hope this helps. :)

Ivyamanda profile image
Ivyamanda in reply to Elay

thank you for your reply - helpful

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