Hi I am just wondering if any one has had chest ache with fibromyalgia I worry sometimes because it's a bit uncomfortable sometimes but I may ask the doctor about it amongst other things on Tuesday x I also thank you for your kind messages on fatigue and things we go through a lot with this horrible condition and it is nice knowing that we are not alone in this x 😊💗🤗
Chest ache and thank you ❤️ - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Chest ache and thank you ❤️

hi, costochondritis (inflammation of rib cage muscles) is a common comorbid condition
Any new pain or change in symptoms is best getting checked out in case there is another cause
I too have had debilitating bouts of chest pain that have lasted for weeks at a time, usually after moderate upper body exercise, like carrying food shopping, accompanied by upper back pain so this answer has been most informative! It impacts on my ability to drive so I did try to get an appointment with the GP but as soon as I mentioned chest pain the receptionist insisted I call 999 🙄
I had chest pains which I dismissed as fibro and ignored for months.
I have since had a quadruple cardiac bypass and I'm going for another angiogram next week.
Don't ignore chest pains.
Get them checked out.
it is best and reassuring to get things checked over.Since 2011 when all my conditions started I feel like they the gp must think I’m a hyperchondriac as I go quite a lot which mostly does turn out to be something to be worried about.you just never know.I have been twice and had chest X-rays for pains in chest which was told they think it’s related to the fibromyalgia but as I said best to be reassured
I have chest pain and discomfort i kept putting down to asthma but they have now told me i have an irregular heartbeat that is causing it but can be treated with meds. It wont kill me but may have some discomfort while waiting for further tests they said its either autonomic dysfunction or pots in the uk its known as or myocarditis and is caused from having covid. They assured me once i start meds it will be fine but i need heart monitor and eco first and have had specialist bloods taken. I am not saying this is your issue but worth looking at if you have other long covid symptoms as it is easily missed. Good luck i hope you get to the bottom of it.
inflammation of the intercostal muscles between each rib is fairly common, and I go to a physio and ask her to work on those muscles, hurts like hell but afterwards the pain subsides for a while (a few months). the other thing that can cause chest pain is tietz syndrome, Had pains in my chest when traveling in Argentina and the doc told me it was tietz syndrome, and that it would come and go but it was not life threatening.
I get chest pain that travels up to my neck and jaw line. Then it travels to the area of my left arm with pain and numbness. The worst pain is from the chest through to my back. My temperature fluctuates and i get a really bad headache. Hospital didnt help and gp didnt help. So i called an ambulance who forced the gp to call me at the weekend. The gp was instructed to do an emergency referral to the nhs pain clinic, apologise to me and see me the next monday morning and complete a blood and ecg test. Bloods came back with an extremely high cholesterol level. Now i take statins. No result from the ecg so ill be falling tomorrow about it. The chest pain is now not as bad but is always there. Ive never received any help from my gp for my fibromyalgia. Rheumatology have given instructions on treatment and they will not do anything. Absolutely hate my gp practice and cant wait to move. So evil what theyve done to me. 😡
Hi, I have fibro but I also have something called Microvascular Angina. It is a disease which used to be labelled as a ‘women making it up’ (sound familiar?!) This was because there were no real tests to diagnose it definitively. Now there are. It is still little known, and the tests are in-depth and awful but finally drs are starting to understand it. I’ve had signs of heart attack on my ecg and heart enzymes but when they looked at my arteries expecting to have to stent them, they were clear. At the time they (a big london hospital) sent me home. I continued to have severe chest pain at home but thought there was more going on. I paid privately to see a dr now retired who was one of the only ones who was certain this disease existed. This was only 7 years ago!! I’m now on massive amounts of medication to open the small vessels around my heart. I also get costocondritis but can tell the difference by pushing my ribs and sternum! Sometimes it’s both. I have to stay in hospital frequently. Sorry for the very long reply. Please don’t be fobbed off by GP’s and consultants, you need investigations- you would get it if you were a man or didn’t have fibro…
Yes, I have flare ups of very painful chest muscles between my ribs. Sometimes it’s worrying so I have a prod and can tell that it’s sore muscles. On a few occasions I have had severe chest pain which has gone up into my neck and jaw; those times are very scary. I am assuming it is muscle spasm as I had an ECG the first time it happened which was fine. It’s always best to get chest pain checked out just to be sure but painful chest muscles are definitely a thing. I hope you get on ok with your doctor. Wishing you all the best ❤️
may be a heart attack ring for help,
get a blood pressure test done if have a machine at home.
the chest pain can be costocondritis hurts in the the flexibles in the sternum, feels like they swollen hence the pain
they do an ultra scan guided steriod injection, administering the pain med first then the steriod,
when the pain med wears off and all movement stops it hurts tooo much, like someone has stabbed and turning knife around, laying down helps
worn out car suspension, pot holed roads, thrusting arms out by side like a carry on carry on camping? movie where the up and over shoulder boulder holder shoots off,
coughing and heavy breathing are not advised.