My girlfriends Got fibromyalgia - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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My girlfriends Got fibromyalgia

Swelsford32 profile image
4 Replies

Hello everyone I’ve recently met a girl and she suffers from fibromyalgia. She currently gets medication from her doctor but she also has two children and she doesn’t like taking medication around them. When I searing pain I feel completely useless I really want to help there is of course that you can do a CBT course as anybody got any information On where the courses are held I live in Aldershot Hampshire.

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Swelsford32 profile image
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4 Replies
Dinkie profile image

Hi Swelsford and welcome to the club nobody wants to be in. You are a very caring person to try and seek out the best for your girlfriend. You could ask at your GP surgery for a referral for CBT but the waiting list is usually quite long. I ended up paying for hynotherapy/CBT myself although I realise it is not an option for everyone. Fibro is different for all of us. Personally I can't take prescription drugs so rely on a processed food free diet, a refined sugar free diet and heat pads, epsom salt baths, and very gentle exercise. By exercise for me it could just be a stroll down the garden but just the act of getting outside will make me feel better. Learning to pace oneself is also so important (Im still working on this one!) just because your girlfriend did something yesterday will not mean she has the energy today. If you don't know the spoon theory have a look on google and it will explain. Learning to say no if by saying yes she is going to suffer in the long term. Real friends will understand. On good days few as they are I tend to cook in batches and freeze the remainder so that on the bad days I still have good food to eat that is available with little effort. These boards are generally quiet on the weekend but I am sure someone will be along in a minute to offer more helpful hints and tips. We are generally a happy friendly bunch and support each other as well as having a laugh and joke. No question too silly to ask as believe me someone will have either asked it or thought about asking it before.

Take care - Dinkie

caralbarry profile image

Hi there. You’re in a great area for support! The aldershot centre for health has an excellent pain clinic and colonel Alan mistlin is a wonderful rheumatologist. Your girlfriend needs to ask for a gp referral. Good luck!

Hi, so good you care for your girlfriend, many would walk away- I wouldnt go down the CBD route just yet until its on prescription, ask her GP if he will inject her muscle with a steroid called Kenalog, ther,s no drowsiness, it gives me enormous energy, I drive again I do still still take analgesia prescribed if i get a flare thats usually when i,ve overdone it, she needs some input on pacing herself, maybe get her onboard with a physio, I also have B12 injections for fatigue and both these are done 6 monthly.

Jenonnet profile image

Hi. I did a CBT course that I accessed through the pain management clinic.

They offer lots of things that you don't get from your GP. The docs referred me to the clinic in the first place, but I can now contact them whenever I need to.

I've also had courses of acupuncture through the pain clinic.

Get your girlfriend to have a word with her doc about being referred, it's important that she manages to get on the right meds that will help her, as this illness doesn't get better, it's a degenerative illness and the longer you have it, the worse it gets. The spoon theory will explain the energy, or lack of it, that your girlfriend will have to deal with. You can find diagrams to explain it on the Internet.

I'm pleased to see that your girlfriend has a very caring, considerate person to be with, it all helps. Good luck, don't be afraid to ask anything, there's always someone to help you here. We're a friendly bunch really. 😊

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