P.I.P : Well the dreaded brown envelope... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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bvlgari profile image
18 Replies

Well the dreaded brown envelope arrived today and you guessed it I failed. The report was not accurate and I really don't think these people understand what we go through with fibro. I wish they could spend a day in our bodies! Anyway I will appeal but this is so stressful.

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bvlgari profile image
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18 Replies
hamble99b profile image

I am sorry to hear that. do appeal it.

TheAuthor profile image

Hi bvgari

I am so sorry to read that and I want to wish you all the best of luck with your appeal. I genuinely hope that you can achieve the outcome that you desire and deserve, good luck.

All my hopes and dreams for you


Hi bvlgari :)

I am sorry to hear this and you must be feeling pretty low about it.

It has already been suggested that you can ask them to reconsider their decision and if they still deny you, you have the right to appeal the decision.

I personally think it would be a good idea to contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau as soon as possible so they have plenty of time to help you by gathering all relevant paperwork/evidence etc that will be required.................

............................usually they will help you through the reconsideration to tribunal if needed too so it's good for continuity :)

Here is the link if you'd like to consider getting some help.


Wish you the best of luck and please keep us updated be it good or bad and sending healing fluffie hugs your way :)

:) xxxsianxxx :)

Volunteer Administrator ( Health Unlocked)

bbstport profile image

I went to an appeal for my DLA this week. Judge, doctor, rep from DLA and another lady. I felt as I was being tried for a horrible crime or something. the outcome aftr being I court for over 1 hour was they a doctor come to my home and do a report and then go back to court. when I came out I was in pieces and could not control my self and like you I wish these people could spend a week or e dayin my body. I cannot face going to the next tier appeal so I am pulling out. the agent from welfare rights could not believe how much they put pressure on me etx but he said I handled myslf well.



grannypip profile image

I know exactly how you feel! It's so stressful filling in all those forms and going for interviews. I hate that stomach churning feeling when one lands on the doormat. Good luck with your appeal.

security profile image

Please do appeal against this, I'am waiting for my brown envelope to drop through my letter box in the next few weeks........ And will make it my life work to get PIP no matter what the outcome,

I applied for DLA some 9 years ago and had taken it to the tribunal, The doctor at the time made me out to be a liar and said my symptoms were not relevent.

This put my confidance off from re-applying for PiP until this year.....

I wish you all my thoughts and support for your appeal.

Huggs Steve x

fibro10 profile image

o here Morning bvigari So sorry to here your news i had the same problem with my ESA it was like the report was on someone else I did fight it and won so don,t give up I am now waiting for my brown envelope to come for PIP got feeling i wont get it I had to go 45 miles for my asessment it was in Liverpool and was in agony. But its what they right down and the person behind the desk who has never seen you that makes the decision As we all know when in their you are so stressed and nerves that we miss a lot out when they are firing questions at you So keep fighting Sending Hugsxx

Midori profile image

Please fight on. I applied for DLA at 64 and was initially refused it, I asked for reconsideration and they gave me Low Care. I relaxed, although Mobility was the thing I needed. The rules said that once you had DLA you didn't lose it. What I was not informed about was that Care and Mobility count as separate awards, although only one form for both. Now I am told I can't get Mobility as I am over age. If I'd known I would have fought on. I can't walk without support, and should have been awarded it, even at Low Level.

So sorry to read that you did not get awarded PIP, I know how very stressful the whole thing is, it took me 18 months from applying for DLA to winning my tribunal. Please appeal if you need help Fightback 4 Justice have a great website where they give help on completing appeals. I actually had one of the Fightback 4 Justice members represent me at appeal, she was a great help. Wishing you lots of luck with your appeal. Hugs x

nicnoc profile image

I have also applied for pip. Not even had my assessment yet but I guess I already know what they will say. Unless people have the condition, they not a clue what its like living with it.

tasha2 profile image

I think we all know what you mean by the dreaded brown envelope when you fill out these benefit forms it is not what disease you have it is how it stops you from doing what ever the questions is like can you cook yourself a meal so first of all you have to think of what is wrong with you all together best write it all down then you can decide if you have something wrong with your hands they say what is wrong with your hands and how they make it difficult to do that tasks make sure your doctor knows what is wrong with your hands because they will ask him really its all a game of how you put it across we all with fibro know what it is like but as they dont have it they dont know i am sure they dont understand when you say in constant pain they think never thats impossible no one could have that. When you think of it Fibro is just another name for we dont know whats wrong so all the dont knows come under you have fibro it makes things easier for the doctors they dont have to do much more tests not that they do anyway i think what we need is one of royal blood to have this they would find out very quickly what it all bolis down too but i suppose then we would be told sorry medicine too expensive catch 22 sorry i have gone on a bit again you can tell i dont get out much LOL

B2WC profile image

Hi there,

Is there anyway you can go to your local FM group and to get them signing a petition or get your group leader to help you with? or get your local GP to stipulated as well how this condition have effecting your daily ?, wish you good luck with your appeal

Rainbow_Chaser profile image

What you have to understand is that they don't want ANYONE to be awarded! The application forms are made to be complicated & difficult to fill in - they know that people who are unwell find the process stressful & upsetting.. they also know it is very difficult to put into words exactly how you feel. You have to battle on, keep trying & try to think one step ahead of them.

On Thursday last week, I was finally awarded PIP.. both the Daily component & Mobility. Only at the lower level but it has taken me 4 years. This was my 4th application. It has been one of the most upsetting & stressful applications I have ever made & at a time that I really didn't feel strong enough to cope with it all! I have fibro but lots of other health problems too - the most severe being a life threatening heart arrhythmia that is not stable. So if I can do it, so can you...

I knew that they would not want to award me PIP (DLA when I first applied!) because of my age - I was 43 when I first applied. They knew that my health problems were not going to go away & I would need it for the next 20 years! So I was a 'no' from the start! They think that you will be so devastated by a rejection that you won't bother again & to be honest, that's exactly how I felt! You have to remember that it's not a rejection, they just don't want to pay you what you're entitled to! That's not a justifiable reason to me, so I persevered.

If you have a local Welfare Rights office, they can fill in the forms for you or try this website: benefitsandwork.co.uk

They offer lots of tips & advice for the whole process.. from the forms, to appeals & tribunals.

I know how difficult, stressful & upsetting the whole process is - I had a similar battle for ESA, they kept putting me in the Work Related Activity Group! Bearing in mind that when my heart/fibro problems were diagnosed I worked for the DWP & it was ATOS that retired me on 'ill health grounds'!!!!! I am now in the Support Group for ESA but it took me 3 years.

Don't give up!.. that's what they want you to do - so do the opposite! Do not let them win. Being unwell is not a crime & you should not be penalized for it.

bvlgari profile image

Thanks everyone I feel more determined after reading your posts to carry on fighting.!!

Mdaisy profile image
Mdaisy in reply to bvlgari

Hello Bvigari,

If you haven't done so already, please email us at FibroAction for information guides that may help using info@fibroaction.org.

I look forward to hearing from you

I wish you all the best

Emma :)

FibroAction Administrator

bvlgari profile image

Thanks Emma.x

Iamme1981 profile image

Sorry to hear that.

I applied for PIP over 20 weeks ago and am still waiting to have assessment. Hope it wont be too much longer. :@

Sorry to hear that it is horrible it also doesn’t help when some health professionals don’t see fybro as an illness I feel sorry for all the people that will have long covid I mean there’s so many symptoms changing all the time how are they going to prove how they feel along with feeling so ill makes you wonder my condition wasn’t believed when my bloods all came back normal now they are all abnormal and still not believed had a private blood test done nurse called me and urgent to see gp I sent the result to gp was totally ignored as it was done privately ?????Hope all comes ok for you 😊💐

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