Second time lucky fingers crossed! - Fertility Network UK

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Second time lucky fingers crossed!

Sarahlf profile image
7 Replies

Well in 1week 6 days I have my follow up appointment to discuss our previous treatment and to talk about round2 of ivf! I'm really looking forward to it but all that's playing on my mind is that I'm 12pounds over my weight I should be and hoping and praying that I'm not weighed on that day even though I have been trying so hard to get it all off before then (which ain't gonna happen) I don't want to start round2 until feb as I feel getting Xmas out of the way then getting the weight off plus more before then is going to help me succeed in getting my little baby bundle! If anyone has any advice on what happens at the follow up appointment it may put my mind at ease?

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Sarahlf profile image
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7 Replies
Treacle profile image

Hi Sarah

Its really encouraging to see such a positive post from someone about to embark on cycle 2! My 1st round failed last Friday and its still very raw and feeling a bit hopeless so its good to know that I will pick myself up and hope that we get another shot at it too!

I worked really hard health-wise to prepare for last time and have been an angel for the last few months - I've truly fallen off my cloud the last week though and am rebelling against it all I think, eating and drinking everything thats bad for me! I think your philosophy is a great one - its only 5 weeks to Christmas and we've got to have some fun. In January, all our friends and family will no doubt have their own resolutions to be healthier / lose weight / drink less etc so we'll be in the majority not minority and that always make it easier to keep on track!

I'm sorry I can't help you with your actual question as our own follow-up is a week tomorrow and I'm hoping, that as long as the clinic think its worth another go, that we'll be going again between Feb and March - not really sure what the general rule is on how long you have to have between cycles.

Let us know how your appt goes and good with the next round - be good to hear if anyone can shed any light on this review appt so thanks for asking!

Sarahlf profile image

HI Treacle i started my treatment in july/aug time so ive had to wait 6mths to start again as i had no frozen eggs! I def know how you are feeling i would cry for no reason never infront of other people though cos i felt it was my time to grieve in a way. my hubby has been very supportive and although he is not a big talker of his feelings he is the more positive one out of both of us. Let yourself get back to normal emotionaly thats what i have and am doing i read books to help with my feelings and also have reflexology to help me relax and have me time for me. Also talking in chatrooms sometimes i go on and im polite and say hello but i like to read all of what people are talking about so i know im now alone. You have to be in a happy zone but in your own time i have a friend who i met through fertility friends and she has pushed to start her treatment asap but ive taken my time i want my body and mind to be as one ready to bring a baby/babies into this world! i hope i have sort of helped with the end of your journey and ready to start a new and what also helped me was think of your 1st try as a practice ready for the real thing xxxx

Treacle profile image

Blimey, is 6 months the standard waiting time between cycles? I have no FET's as I had no embryos in the 1st place unfortunately - I carry a chromosomal disorder so had to have ICSI with PGD and everything was going really well until they biopsed my 8 healthy looking embryos on day 3 to test them and they were all affected by it, meaning they wouldn't survive, so my ET for the following day was cancelled.

I also developed mild OHSS which is only now subsiding so guess that won't help for next time, they may need me to recover for longer.

I really like your approach of treating the 1st round as the practice one, thanks for that! I did read in one of Zita West's books that in many ways, the professionals see it that way too as 1st time, they have no idea how we will respond to the drugs and can spend a lof of the cycles tweaking doses and things - but 2nd time, they know where they are and what to do. So I'm sticking to that now!

I am still lurking on some CARE boards as this is my clinic and they have message boards for clients and nose around ivillage, just because there were others I got to know and want to see how they're doing, no matter how much it hurts. I will have to wean myself away from them soon though I think as you can only read so many peoples good news before it gets upsetting and I need to move on and concentrate more on myself.

My hubby and I are breaking all the rules this week, rebeling after months of being angelic with our diets and lifestyles. Once its out of my system this weekend, we can focus on looking after ourselves again - meanwhile, it feels good to be normal and a bit naughty for now and look after our hearts and minds just for a few days. We're off to a B&B in Norfolk this weekend, just to give ourselves a night alone away from it all, sure that will help too.

Think when I get back on track again, I'll stick with acupuncture once a month because I have a really good relationship with the Practitioner and talk her ears off, she's great for venting and zoning me out. Also need to get back to the leisure club I pay for every month and have some serious me time - maybe stick to the sauna and jacuzzi til after xmas now though!

Nice to talk to you, thanks for the tips and good luck for next year xx

Sarahlf profile image

Treacle! I know how u feel about everyones good news everytime I go on facebook someone has anounced there expecting or even on there 2nd baby when I've been starting the same time as them! As u say treat yourself and have some fun and then get focused for nxt year! I'm at the Bourne clinic in cambridge and there rules are 6mths or 3mths if you have frozen eggs so just ask your clinic? I shall let uno how I get on at the clinic on the 5th! Enjoy Norfolk :) x

Treacle profile image

Hi Sarah

Norfolk was lovely thanks - comfy sofa right in front of a roaring fire, local cider and red wine, good food and a windy but gorgeous Brancaster beach to walk the dog on 3 miles down the road, just what the fertility doctor ordered!!

I am extremely lucky in the sense that I did get my longed for baby, now 3 years old - he came naturally after 4 mc's and lots of heartache so struggle to understand why I'm putting myself through this now - guess we can't help what our hearts want can we?! I was in a group of 7 couples in my antenatal classes with NCT and all but one couple has gone on easily to have their 2nd. I've had to stop contacting them now, sounds cruel but its just self-preservation really. I don't live that far from Cambridge. Thanks for the info - we're off to the clinic for our review appt tomorrow so will let you know how it goes if you'd like - hopefully by the 6th Dec, we'll both have another cycle to look forward to!


Sarahlf profile image

I'm glad u had a nice relaxing time! They do say its much harder for people who already have a chilld and really want a siblling and I'm sure its true all good things comes to those who wait? What hospital/clinic are you under at the moment? Yes keep me informed and I shall let uno how I got on with my appointment monday! I'm also joining sllimming world today so I keep control of my eating over xmas and keep getting this dam weight off!

Sarahlf profile image

Just an update not been on here for a while but 2nd time lucky I'm due a baby girl today so goodluck to all xx

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