It was a BFN so am stopping meds but for prednisolone (mythl version) - am currently feeling shaky hands, hungry and faster heartbeat? I missed a dose yesterday but am going to start weening off tonight (was on 16mg, tonight it’s half for 3 days and then Half again final three days) but these symptoms seem unusual ?
prednisolone Withdraw- symptoms? - Fertility Network UK
prednisolone Withdraw- symptoms?

Hello hun, I took prednisolone for around 3 months, I don't remember specific symptoms when stopping (I gradually reduced) but definitely felt extra hungry while taking it, which I think is a common one. I also had quite an uncomfortable tummy. I've seen others talk about sleep disturbance being another common symptom. Not sure if that helps.Really sorry about your BFN.
Thank you dear, for your kind thoughts. It is, what it is. I’m grateful for this kind community being here - it makes all the difference when someone reaches back - thank you I’m feeling better now I’ve eaten and will taper doses tonight. Best wishes
I had similar. Tell the dr and carry on weaning off. I'm sorry this wasn't the time for your positive. Practice lots of self care xx
Yes, continue to taper off and don't miss days. I didn't and I experienced all of that and worse including joint pains and extreme fatigue and low appetite. I'm so sorry about your no. I know the feeling. Take care of your self.