Donating my 2 frozen embryos to help someone have a baby. We were lucky we got our baby girl who was born 8 weeks early. I had 2 spare embryos and we can't afford another baby. I have 3 step children and the extra nursery cost would cripple us. The year storage included in the fertility deal is coming to an end. I would love to help someone and I wanted to hear how people felt giving up their spare embryos? Are you someone who has had a donor. I always said I would be blessed to have one baby. Thanks
Donating my frozen embryos - Fertility Network UK
Donating my frozen embryos

Wow I think this is amazing! Well done you and so happy you got your wish xx
Thank you I was a lucky one I hope we can help someone. I hope the person who has them will take care of them. One of mine hatched it makes me feel sad that it hatched and had nowhere to go it was probably my hormones but I would love to hear how embryos are matched to a person. X
Such a lovely thing to do. Hopefully it will help make someone else as lucky in the future and this can bring you some comfort knowing that. Best wishes for the future xx
I hope so too they were both strong 5 day embryos 😊
That's amazing. I hope your little one is doing well. I admire you for choosing to donate your eggs - I'd like to think that my partner would be happy for me to do the same if we ever get in the position that you find yourself. It's such a selfless act xxx
Well done for doing that. So selfless. I couldn't donate mine being 38 at the time of treatment. Such a lovely thing to do
What am amazing thing to do. You are an amazing woman! X
What a lovely thing to do, there will no doubt be someone who will be forever grateful to you and your partner for making this decision. Xx
Hey, I hope you are well. I am glad things worked out for you. It is truly amazing what you are doing. That is so thoughtful of you. It is so nice to see people helping one another on this journey. It isn't the most easier one to be on however, having people like you makes it so much better. I hope whoever you donate it to is able to find their happiness. Good luck to you. Sending lots of love.
That’s such a lovely gesture. I was hoping to do the same thing but unfortunately didn’t have any Frosties left at the end, plus I was over 35 when they were fertilised so I would have been classed as too old. I think they must tell you whether or not they’ve been successful because I think legally the baby has a right to come and find you when they’re 18 so you would need to know whether or not to prepare yourself for that.
your amazing . xxx