Just wanted some success stories of IVF after the first round failed. We are meeting with the clinic for next steps soon. Anything we can do for next time?
Just wanted some success stories of IVF after the first round failed. We are meeting with the clinic for next steps soon. Anything we can do for next time?
Hi! I'm sorry to read your first round failed, ours did too. However, I'm now sat here listening to my 6month old daughter chat to her fingers! So have faith that it does work 😊Anyway, when we met with our consultant after our failed round, we discussed every detail from the stims, egg collection and fertilisation to possible causes for the failure and changes we could make for our FET (we were lucky enough to have 2 embryos in the freezer).
We opted for me to have an endometrial scratch....evidence around the benefits of this are inconclusive but we like to think it helped. We also added in extra progesterone, I didn't have my levels checked but the consultant said that having too much progesterone wasn't going to be a problem given that pregnancy is a high progesterone state.
My advice would be ask your consultant to go back through everything so you can understand what happened and your options moving forward. Sometimes they don't suggest things initially due to the extra cost (if your self funded) or because they aren't available (if you are NHS funded).
Hope that helps
Good luck x
2 failed rounds of nhs ivf then got pregnancy naturally straight away using mira ovulation tracker and fertilily conception cups. Im 40 also btw. X
Hello Esther! I hope you can help me. We had a miscarriage after our first IVF round in March. I’ve just found out this week I am pregnant (naturally) but I have a background of miscarriages. We were waiting to start second IVF round in September. When did you tell the hospital that you were pregnant? We are concern if we tell the hospital we will be removed from the treatment list. Any advise or suggestion are welcome! Thanks ☺️
Hi there congrats on your pregnancy. I only got pregnant after the 2nd round failed. I was only entitled to two rounds on the nhs. If i was u id keep quiet till the 12 week scan. Just tell em you are not ready psychologically for the next round yet. Maybe go private for scans so no records are on the nhs system so you aren't scuppered. We found window to the womb private scans excellent you can get one from 7 weeks on. X
Thank you so much for your prompt response - so helpful and makes me feel relief. For some reason my partner thinks we need to speak to NHS asap 🙄🙄 and I don’t think we should 😅. I will keep you posted and congrats on your pregnancy too 🫶🏻
Don’t lose hope! Hang in there. Wishing you love and baby dust from a not geriatric mother (45yof when I gave birth)… But from a Jurassic mother! I now joke around that my eggs were from the Jurassic Dinosaur Period! Was told by my first IVF Dr… that I would NEVER have babies.. but nevertheless here he is playing on the ground… life finds away.❤️❤️❤️