Hi all,
I am currently on day 6 of my cycle and day 4 of stims with meriofort 300 and saizen.
I had 14 follicles at Base scan last Thursday and had hope (at the tender age of 41!) that there would be a decent number at scan time.
My first scan this cycle and only have three on my left and two on my right. All over 10mm and she said lots of tiny ones but isn't measuring those.
This is my third ec and we got 9 and 7 at 38 but I will admit I was expecting a little more with the price increase and recommendation for older women on the new meds and the saizen. Just slightly deflated. I starting Fyremadel tomorrow to stop ovulation so I think they are thinking that is it?
Has anyone else had further follicles appear with low follicle numbers at this stage?
Thank you all xx