I saw a lot of people who tried testing as early as 4 days post transfer and getting positives. I have tested today, 5dpt, and ended having negative and now I have been crying as I feel that this cycle might fail. I know it’s still early but I dont why I have this gut feeling that im out this cycle.
Am I crazy for testing too early? - Fertility Network UK
Am I crazy for testing too early?

I’ve tested early got a bfn then a few days later a bfp. Don’t loose hope, a few days can be all it takes for your babe to get comfy. 4 days is still super early, some don’t even get a squinter until test date!!!! xxxx
Thank you. When did you get your BFP? This is my very first cycle so this is all new to me and my emotions are on the roof.
I had my very first cycle a few weeks ago too. I will be honest it was easy at first and I stayed away from testing for ages, I actually didn’t test until Day 11, but that was only because I pretty much knew I wasn’t pregnant due to bleeding and needed to just confirm it for everyone around me who thought otherwise! I know girls test early and get negatives which become positives so I wouldn’t worry at all! It’s way too early still for you. My first cycle failed unfortunately, and that’s when my emotions hit the roof! I know how hard it is, trust me! I wish you the best of luck - hopefully it all works out for you and that little baby sticksss xxx

Thank you! I am on progesterone injection and pessary so I dont think I will be having my period not unless I stop the meds. I really hope this baby sticks. Hopefully you will have your BFP soon, too!
Aww thank you - I actually didn’t bleed a period I think my embryo implanted and then I lost it so like an early early miscarriage. I only think that as it didn’t feel like a period at all to me and my bleeding was very heavy with clots and a lot of pain - sorry TMI - so it’s been very hard for me mentally and physically but I am back better then ever now. I know why I bled so much also - due to low progesterone. Now they are putting me on 2 cyclogest a day plus 1 Lubiom injection a day so hopefully that means no bleeding! X keep us updated on your two week wait xxxx

Crazy as I am, I tested again today at 6dpt. Pregnancy test is white as a paper. So I am just really mentally preparing myself now although I still have a little hope that it’s just still early.
I know it’s hard but I would try and not test until day 9/10 especially if it’s affecting you mentally as I know it can be very difficult. Best of luck x
Oh it's a slippery slope! I tested at 3dp5dt ony first get transfer. Nothing showed up till 4dp. At 7dp5dty my lines were decreasing CP for me on round one.Second go. 4dp5dt I got a faint line which keep increasing my now 15 month old is lying in bed.
My last round. I got a faint line at 5dp5dt but it quickly went south after that.
I was devastated. It was my last go, pgt tested embryo from banking done at 38. I'm now 41 and to get my complete family, I have to start again (albeit still lucky to get one!)
So many don't get lines until well after 8 - 11 dpt. You are not out until your clinic says it's final.
Don't test if you have the strength for it. You can't change it.
I did for all three of mine and while one was a great outcome the others brought sadness before it needed to happen. It's mental torment of an epic kind!!
You can do nothing but relax and try and enjoy the what if scenarios. I will try and go again but my position on the testing early has changed.
I will try and hold out on this until at least 10-11 dp5dt. Good luck and keep us posted xx
Thank you. I have been symptom spotting since the day of the transfer and I have been googling nonstop. This is my first cycle so everything is still very new to me. I have no one to talk to about this as my husband and I kept this to ourselves. My husband has been telling me to relax but I cant really help but to worry. Im glad you have your little one with you. I hope I can tell that on here soon, too.
Don't feel bad for testing early - it's your body and there are pros and cons: I've always tested early (even tested out the trigger) as I just want to know if something's implanted even if ultimately it's not successful as it can help work out where the issue may be, but it's hard if it goes or if it's a BFN as then you feel you have to keep testing and it can be a late implanter (although 5dpt isn't late). Also that early there may not be anything yet or so little that you can't see a line or it's very faint, whereas by OTD there should be a pretty good line if it's worked so it is more certain. I wouldn't rule yourself out at this stage and it's up to you if you keep testing or if you want to hold out until OTD. But I would suggest ignoring any 'symptoms' as at this stage it's most likely the meds and the after effects of collection, and you can drive yourself a bit crackers. It's hard if you haven't told anyone about treatment (we didn't) and use this forum as much as you need as everyone is very friendly and happy to help and advise, and it was a lifesaver for me.
Thank you. Im just glad im not alone in this journey. Only those who experience this can really understand the feeling. I feel so isolated among my circle of friends as they all have kids now. I cant relate to their topics and it just really makes me feel less of a woman. I cant help feeling that way. So what I do is make up some excuses not to meet them which is bad I know. And I cant really tell them about what I am going through as I know they will just feel sorry for me.
I know. I shut down a big part of myself and kept everything bottled up. I didn't want any pressure, or anyone feeling sorry for me or gossip. But equally if you have supportive friends and family, I can see how valuable and helpful it could be to share what you're going through and it's a hard thing to go through effectively on your own (I don't know if you have a partner but often they can react in unexpected ways, not necessarily positive or helpful, so not always the best support). It's very individual. I was resistant but counselling does help, even one or a couple of sessions with someone who gets it. This process can be relatively short for some of the luckier ones but for many of us treatment comes after an already long infertility experience and it can be a long slog before it works, so it's good to find things that help build up your resilience.
First off, I want to give you a big virtual hug. I know how intense and nerve-wracking this whole process can be. It's totally okay to feel a rollercoaster of emotions right now.
Testing early is like a rite of passage for many of us—it's that mix of excitement and anxiety that makes us want to know ASAP. But here's the thing: our bodies don't always follow the same timeline. So even if others get early positives, it doesn't mean it's the same for everyone.
At 5 days post-transfer, it's super early in the game. I'm talking early-bird-just-waking-up early. Most home pregnancy tests aren't designed to pick up those tiny signals just yet. It's like trying to catch a whisper in a noisy room—it might take a little more time.
Here's a gentle reminder - breathe. Take a moment for yourself. This journey is all about patience and self-care. Stressing won't change the outcome, I promise.
Remember, your official test date (OTD) is what really counts. Sending you lots of positivity and good vibes! xxx
Thank you so much. You are absolutely right. Stressing won’t change the outcome. It will only make me miserable. If it happens, il be very very grateful. If not, we’ll just try again.
That’s the spirit you have to have. I was symptom spotting like some crazy women too and googling everything as it was my first transfer also. But wow, it didn’t help me at all. Honestly, even if this one doesn’t work out for you, you can try again. I now have all the knowledge I need to go into my 2nd transfer soon. And my mentality is if it is meant to be it will work - it’s all in Gods hands xxx
I tested everyday from the day of transfer to monitor the trigger - I didn’t get a positive until day 9 x you are still super early 🤞🏼🙏🏼
This is nice to read . I will still be testing daily until the day I'm meant to call the clinic to let them know the outcome. They don't do blood test.
hello, just wanted to say hang in there. Everyone is different. You are pregnant until proven otherwise! We tested at 6dpt and 8dpt… try to relax, I know harder said than done! It unfortunately took me 3 trys to get a positive, I believe it’s a guessing game at the beginning to see what works best for you the individual. Sending you a hug and sticky vibes!!!
Hi Aifos,
I wanted to share my experience and this post - please take it with a pinch of salt but good for information reddit.com/r/IVF/comments/f...
My transfer late 2023, I tested everyday from day 4 and only got a vvfl on day 8, it was a chemical. My last transfer Apr 2024 - I tested positive at 6dp5dt; I was so happy as that was the first time I got a positive that early. I thought I finally got it, but it wasn't good news for me in the end.
If you do decide to test early, you need to be mentally prepared for the high ups and potentially low downs. It can give you an insight into when the embryo implanted and how the embryo is developing (I did private HCG tests too); it could also give you false negatives and bring you down before your OTD.
For my last transfer in April, I was positive very early on, and deemed 'pregnant' on my OTD but I knew my HCG wasn't increasing normally so I had to be prepared for a loss.
Im so sorry you had to experience all of that. You are very strong. I don’t know how I will cope if that was me on your shoes. Praying for all of us to experience motherhood soon. This might sound so simple for the others but for us IVF warriors, it’s very big achievement. We had to endure not just mentally, but physically, emotionally, and financially.
sorry to hear your feeling down about your situation but your not out yet. Today was my official test day and whilst I’ve tested positive I know this pregnancy isn’t viable as I’ve actually been testing every day for a week and the lines have not got any darker. Blood test today showed levels at 34 so almost certain this one hasn’t stuck. Don’t feel guilty for testing early, I did and whilst it’s not been a positive outcome for me I feel happy that I know it implanted at least. I’ve also had time to come to terms with the situation so ready to stop meds on Thursday and let the inevitable happen. I feel like I’m a week ahead because I’ve tested early if that makes sense. Be kind to yourself it’s a terribly tough journey xxx