I’ll start by saying I’m such an idiot!!!! Yesterday morning I was moving to two injections per day. I went to fridge and took out the box, I had a lot on yesterday and didn’t check the labels properly. I have no one to blame but myself. I have called the emergency line who will call me back in an hour but let’s be honest my cycle will be cancelled and it’s all my stupid fault. I’m 40 and worried I’ve messed up all those eggs up. Any advice on this? I doubt anyone has been as stupid as me
help - I accidentally took the trigge... - Fertility Network UK
help - I accidentally took the trigger shot early, I should have moved to two stims per day but took this by mistake

I don’t think there will be anything they can do to stop your body releasing the eggs but try not to be so hard on yourself. Emotionally and physically this is such a hard process, you won’t be thinking straight.
Take care xxx
Thank you, I’ve just spoken to them and it’s been cancelled. Hopefully we can go again next month but may need to have a break. I was concerned I have jeopardised my eggs and used 1 of my 3 cycles, hopefully this isn’t the case and I just need to buy meds again. It was very stupid of me but my head was all over the place. Thanks again x
As they have been released… might be a good time for some old school baby making. .. you never know….
Hi your cycle is used at egg collection. As you didn’t get there, it should still be honoured. Thinking of you. Diane
Don’t beat yourself up. It’s a mentally and emotionally-gruelling process. I missed meds before, and lost them too! X
I did the same two weeks ago,I misheard them when they were giving me the date as we were in the car on our way home from the clinic. Theres no feeling like it,I went to my egg retrieval and was told the trigger shot is what fertilises so takes 48-36 hours to work and they stopped my meds.I took it a day to late,and as i had not taken injections the night before there was a risk id damaged the embryos and had 21 so had to abandon ajd start again,as their still in you you will still feel very bloated as your levels might still be high,loads of water and rest im off work cause it takes 10 days ,and had 7 days of injections to start the bleeding process to flush the meds. dont kick yourself for it it's happened and trying again means you get them in the best condition for yourself x
Also it can be very uncomfortable so if does get like this call them and tell them,im bloated,breast really sore, breathlessness and no energy. I had to go back in as i had swollen to a point i out a stone on in 4 days and showing mild symptoms of OHSS ,so make sure you rest and tell them.
Thanks so much sharing your story. Omg turning up to EC to find you couldn’t go ahead must have been horrific, I was a hormonal mess yesterday. I can only imagine how you felt! I took 5 days of menopur then trigger, rather than the medication to stop you ovulating. I’m not even sure what this has done to my body. The team at the clinic basically said come back next period. Will this delay or bring on my period early, will I be ready then. I don’t even know. You have been given medication to start bleeding, would I need this?
Oh you poor thing, that's really annoying for you. Don't beat yourself up, I have to talk to myself every day and say out loud what drugs I'm on to be sure and continually re check my protocol. It's so easily done and overwhelming.
Live to fight another day and maybe your next stims cycle might work out even better for you, who knows xx
Don't be too hard on yourself. Mistakes happen, and it's important to remember that you're doing your best. Stay hopeful and trust that your medical team will guide you through this. x
Hi all, I was just wondering if anyone can help. It’s been 6 days since my above post. Having not been through an ivf process I’m not used to what normals with symptoms etc. Today I basically look 3 months pregnant, I have had constipation for a number of days and really sore boobs, is this just a result of the trigger shot? I understand this contains hcg so can give pregnancy symptoms but it’s too early to tell, only now would I be at implantation stage. I did have intercourse 24 ish hours after the shot. As it was early I doubt my eggs were mature but actually I didn’t have any scans. I haven’t spoken to the clinic they just told me call back on my next period. Should I been concerned or is this all normal? Any advice would be greatly appreciated thanks all x x x
I got really strong 'pregnancy' symptoms on my first transfer (similar to what you're describing) and although it was a BFP, it turned out the hcg was never really high enough realistically to have caused the symptoms and it was most likely the meds and after effects of the collections/trigger. I went on to have four other BFPs after transfers and they've all been different experiences, so I wouldn't symptom spot at this stage. That's not to say it hasn't or won't work, but probably the best thing is to do a few early detection urine tests over the next week or so. Also, if the symptoms are more severe or you don't feel right, contact your clinic and ask to be checked for OHSS (I think bloating and pain in particular are symptoms to watch for, but equally I blew up like a beach ball on every round and transfer and it was just how I reacted to the meds).
Hi all, me again. My period arrived this weekend, today full flow. I hadn’t long changed my tampon and I needed to do it again but this time there was lots of bright red blood and a jelly like clot a bit longer than my little finger, also a few small bits. I’m going to talk to the clinic tomorrow but wanted to see if anyone had any similar experiences could this have been a miscarriage or something else?