This was taken late afternoon , earlier test was negative. I’m second guessing it as it’s so grey . One step aren’t know for evaps tho are they ? Thanks everyone - my fault for testing earlier I said I wouldn’t 😩
7dp5dt is this a evap?: This was taken... - Fertility Network UK
7dp5dt is this a evap?

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I see it!!!! I previously had one like this. Was convinced it was evap but got an HCG of 49. Get your ass to Boots lol!!!!! Xx
It seems the light positive I had when testing early, and I’m now 16+5!
Keep your hope up and test again tomorrow to compare the results.
Sending tons of love and baby dust! ❤️
Looks positive to me :). If you can get hold of them best to use FRERs (pink dye) as they're more sensitive so good if you've tested early - they're always been accurate for me and I test super early. But you'll still be dealing with lines which can drive you a bit crackers so if you want certainty see if you can get HCGs done.
my clinic don’t do any blood tests 😩 il grab a first response today . My feeling was one like this is less likely to give evaps as first response recently have been bad for it . I’m so nervous to test again ! X
My clinics didn't either - my GP did them or I got them done privately (an online lab - took a few days longer to get results but a good service) but there's no need to do them, it's just that comparing lines can be pretty frustrating - I was testing twice at day and squinting at them for hours until I could see lines with my eyes closed!
it’s horrible isn’t it . The thing is I did another test a few hours later and it was completely negative . Granted I didn’t let it sit and develop out for ages but I’m worried it was just a weird test now 😩 xxxx
Do you know the sensitivity of the tests? Early on, especially with the less sensitive ones, the lines can be extremely light and change depending on the time of day and how dilute your urine is. Mine were always darker second morning urine than first, and even more so in the afternoon compared with the morning, and that freaked me out at first. But it's probably just a case of waiting now, maybe repeating with FRERs, or getting HCGs. It may be worth speaking to your clinic but it can depend on their processes - my NHS one didn't want to know until OTD (and actually were pretty useless after that too), whereas my private one was much more helpful and willing to test and increase progesterone before OTD when that seemed a bit low.
It’s 10 so sensitive , just did one today and it’s there but so so faint . Il wait for my first response to arrive . This is mad 😩 xxxx
do ivf pregnancies take longer to build hcg up as this is technically 13dpo? Xx
I think the dominant view is that it can take longer for IVF transfers to implant and get fully bedded in, and lots of women have late implanters (have a search on here and there will be lots of posts about not getting a BFP until later), although for me it was the opposite and I've had early implanters on IVF vs working back my natural pregnancy didn't implant until much later than I would have expected and the HCG was pretty low at first. But still only one of those was successful so early doesn't mean it will ultimately work sadly. I don't think it's so much about when it implants and starts making HCG but about it consistently doubling every couple of days once it has, that's what has been a better predictor of success for me.
my natural pregnancies I would get a line around 9/10 dpo and there weren’t any squinters - odviously we are talking years ago but as far as I remember. I need to calm down as I don’t want to be disappointed. So grateful to have you lovely ladies to talk to as I haven’t mentioned anything to my husband xx
this was my poorest grade embryo so might just be a slow one . I’m off now to try bad forget about it 🙄😩😂 I’m absolutey shattered just want to go to bed ! Xxx
I used those for all 3 of my pregnancies and that's definitely a line. My lines were so light, probably lighter than yours.
looks + to me.. update us please
How did you go Natasha? did you test again , please update.. praying for a positive 🌷🌺💕🌸✨
oh great, congrats✨🌷🌺🩵🌸💖😍🐣