7dp5dt and No symptoms. Am I out? - Fertility Network UK

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7dp5dt and No symptoms. Am I out?

Sams25 profile image
60 Replies

I had my last 2 Frosties transferred on 10/Apr and have my beta tomorrow.

So far I’ve had absolutely ZERO symptoms.

I’ve had 5 transfers till date that were full of symptoms and all BFN. I am worried if this is again a BFN.

Anyone have any soothing words to help survive the next 24hours? What are my chances ?

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Sams25 profile image
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60 Replies
Kitkat10 profile image

I had no symptoms at all with my BFP, in fact I was so sure it was over, I tested a few days early to see if I could go for a run. I was staggered it was BFP. I had no symptoms at all until 6 weeks. Good luck xx

Sams25 profile image
Sams25 in reply to Kitkat10

Thank you KitKat10, that’s comforting to hear. I am not testing until tomorrow given my past experiences and break downs😭. DH is optimistic, but he always is!

I am trying to keep it together but it’s so hard.

Which day did you test ?

Kitkat10 profile image
Kitkat10 in reply to Sams25

I tested day 8 but I wouldn’t recommend that. I only did because I had some spotting and thought it was all over and wanted to run to clear my head x

Sams25 profile image
Sams25 in reply to Kitkat10

🤞🏻 fingers crossed. Thank you so much for lifting my spirits 👍🏼

Millbanks profile image

I had 5 FET which all were full of symptoms - all BFN.

6th FET, not a single symptom - BFP - he's now 2 years old xx

Sams25 profile image
Sams25 in reply to Millbanks

omg this is so encouraging Millbanks! Thank you so very much!

Littlepeax profile image
Littlepeax in reply to Sams25

Same I hardly had any symptoms until the day I tested, felt like I was coming on my period. Other than that nothing! Huge good luck 🫶❤️ xxx

Sams25 profile image
Sams25 in reply to Littlepeax

Thank you Littlepeax! I am so nervous as the day is going by. My everything is crossed 🤞🏻🤞🏻

Greenleaves1 profile image

Good luck for tomorrow xx

Sams25 profile image
Sams25 in reply to Greenleaves1

Thank you Greenleaves1. I so need it. While I was very relaxed the last few days, all the butterflies have caught up today !

Greenleaves1 profile image
Greenleaves1 in reply to Sams25

Haha yep that's what always happens to me closer to test day xx

Doodlebug23 profile image

👶🏼 ✨💖🍀

Sams25 profile image
Sams25 in reply to Doodlebug23

🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 I need to leave in an hour to the clinic for me beta and expecting the results later today. Omg I’m such a mess. So tired of bad news. And scared of being optimistic (been hurt too many times). This is such a challenging process.

Doodlebug23 profile image
Doodlebug23 in reply to Sams25

Positive pants on! I’m sending Tina of positive vibes your way! I know how hard this is 💖

Sams25 profile image
Sams25 in reply to Doodlebug23

Thank you so very much ❤️ it’s hard. Nerve-racking- now waiting for their call later today … I can feel my heart beat out of my chest . I don’t know if I’m being a drama queen or it’s ok. 🤷‍♀️

Doodlebug23 profile image
Doodlebug23 in reply to Sams25

Of course you’re not!! It’s a really important call you are waiting for!! It’s fallen for me that I do a home test 2 days later before I get bloods back as mine are NHS through doctors as clinic is abroad. So I’ve not had to find out over the phone. Sending lots of 👶🏼 ✨

Sams25 profile image
Sams25 in reply to Doodlebug23

Oh thank you 🙏🏻 I guess I need to brave it out until the call later today. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

Doodlebug23 profile image
Doodlebug23 in reply to Sams25

Big girl pants on! You’ve got this! 💪🏻

leo1980 profile image

hello! No symptoms at all - 10 weeks on. Never had any during the 2 week wait. Are you steroids?

Sams25 profile image
Sams25 in reply to leo1980

That’s encouraging, thank you ☺️! I’m only on progesterone and estrodoil gel. Why it’s weird is because I have always had atleast progesterone symptoms. This time it’s nada. So just all over the place.

leo1980 profile image
leo1980 in reply to Sams25

Sometimes I wonder if the steroids mask symptoms. Let’s do this if it was a natural pregnancy as opposed to ivf you really won’t feel anything/or know anything… apply the same principle. I know it’s hard. We know nothing until we know something. Look back at my post from last year. I was convinced it didn’t work as I felt nothing. I went in on test day to do my test and I didn’t take any of my meds because I had no symptoms and I just knew it didn’t work. Nurse called with results at 3pm!!!BFP I didn’t even get excited I got worried. I had missed 2 doses of my meds and it was a bloody rush to get home from work to try and take atleast one dose! Don’t worry about lack of symptoms. Take meds and spoil yourself until we know something for sure. Fingers crossed for you…

Sams25 profile image
Sams25 in reply to leo1980

That’s very true. It’s just that we know it’s ivf and trying for 6+ years now. It’s difficult to not get so anxious I guess. I am trying really hard to not think about it. I was actually good until yesterday when all hell broke loose and I started panicking ! I’m going to brave it out until the call , can’t do much else I guess. Everyone’s message here has been encouraging and so helpful ❤️ 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

leo1980 profile image
leo1980 in reply to Sams25

Awful journey so hear you. Emotional, mental and physical exhaustion- only a person undergoing IVF will understand the impact. You are allowed to have ‘off days’ don’t feel guilty. Just try and keep busy doing nice things for you! I had my moment a few weeks ago, I took myself of to the theatre. Bought a chocolate ice cream at half time too! Hubby had a work event that night and I was restless and anxious and having unlimited access to Google wasn’t helping, so booked to see a show by myself and left my phone at home. Those 2 hours of just being in the moment and indulging was a welcome distraction. And probably the only 2 hours I relaxed in the last 10 weeks! Without worrying if it’s growing, is the heart still beating etc etc am I taking medicine for an embryo that is still healthy etc etc…it’s one emotional and mental minefield.

Sams25 profile image
Sams25 in reply to leo1980

Breathe in breathe out is the mantra right now 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

Sams25 profile image

I’m bawling … can’t believe it still.

Positive Beta!!!

Next Beta on Monday. Thank you ladies for keeping my spirits up ❤️❤️ what should I expect on Monday? Any information is helpful☺️☺️.

Doodlebug23 profile image
Doodlebug23 in reply to Sams25

Yay! Congratulations!!!

Your HCG should double every 48hrs. So by Monday it should be 4x it was today. What was the level?

Sams25 profile image
Sams25 in reply to Doodlebug23

It was 217 today. So it should be 868 by Monday. Oh god now the next milestone! Do most people get there or ? I’ve never been here- so pretty clueless.

Doodlebug23 profile image
Doodlebug23 in reply to Sams25

Was that only 8dpt? My first was 10dpt and only 79, but shot up to 637 4 days later. Then 5697 I think 4 days after that. First time for me too! My clinic said I didn’t need the 3rd blood test but I needed to see the HCG rising. TBH I think if I had another form I’d go she in but that’s maybe getting a bit obsessive 🙈

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Sams25

OMG that's fantastic news! See sometimes no symptoms are the best ;)

So pleased for you. My HCG was 237 on day 9p 5dt so yours is looking good!

I would try not to obsess over it too much (impossible I know) I was a wreck in the wait from the positive bloods to the viability scan - much worse than the 2ww - but you've got this - one day at a time xx

Sams25 profile image
Sams25 in reply to Millbanks

Thank you so much! How far along are you? All these years I’ve been stressing over the first beta value that I never once thought about what comes next! Thank you for the kind words. I’m doing math on my head - the whole time 😂 and u til the next test - there is no way of knowing! Cruel cruel 😂

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Sams25

I actually have a 2 year old from that BFP ❤️

Haha I know, I never dared think past a BFP so I had no clue. But no reason that it won’t be totally fine! Xx

Sams25 profile image
Sams25 in reply to Millbanks

Oh congratulations ! Keeping myself busy. There’s not much else I can do really.

Sams25 profile image

Hahaha That’s amazing with your levels! Wow! Was it twins? Or is that kinda rise expected ?

Yes my beta today was at 8dpt. So 2-3 blood tests coming up. While I am so so happy about the outcome today, I realise it’s still too early to celebrate with all the BTs coming up. I too am obsessive 😂 so many questions ! Thank you so much for taking the time and being patient with me ❤️ I am sure I have many more questions!

Sams25 profile image
Sams25 in reply to Sams25

Follow up q- based on your question regarding the hcg value for 8 dpt. is that not normal ? My clinic did not tell me anything about it …

Doodlebug23 profile image
Doodlebug23 in reply to Sams25

I think all clinics are different. Mine askd for Beta at 10dpt.

Doodlebug23 profile image
Doodlebug23 in reply to Sams25

I was thinking maybe twins with the initial jump but third test should have been slightly under 5,000 and was 5697 so now not so sure.

Sams25 profile image
Sams25 in reply to Doodlebug23

Sorry I don’t quite understand that.

Doodlebug23 profile image
Doodlebug23 in reply to Sams25

My initial HCG was 79 which should have doubled twice in 4 days to 178 but was 637 so really high, which can mean multiples. Third HCG should have been around 5,000 6 days later and was 5697 so high end for dpo but not massively more than expected.

Sams25 profile image
Sams25 in reply to Doodlebug23

Did you have your ultrasound already? Is it multiple as you suspected? Congratulations !! 🤩

Doodlebug23 profile image
Doodlebug23 in reply to Sams25

I’ve lost what dpt I am now. Bug I’m 6+1 today. Scan is in Saturday. ☝🏼💖

Sams25 profile image
Sams25 in reply to Doodlebug23

Oh lovely! All the best ! Let me know how it went ❤️❤️

Doodlebug23 profile image
Doodlebug23 in reply to Sams25

Thankyou. 💖

Sams25 profile image
Sams25 in reply to Doodlebug23

How was the scan?

Doodlebug23 profile image
Doodlebug23 in reply to Sams25

It went really well Thankyou. Measuring 7+2 (I was 7+1) and very strong heartbeat 💖

Sams25 profile image
Sams25 in reply to Doodlebug23

Congratulations! 🥳

Doodlebug23 profile image
Doodlebug23 in reply to Sams25

Thankyou. Your turn next!!! X

Sams25 profile image
Sams25 in reply to Doodlebug23

Fingers crossed! Waiting for my scan 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

Sams25 profile image

ah that way! Thanks for explaining 🙏🏻. How many dpt are you? When is your Ultra sound?

Congratulations !! ( realised I did not wish you ! Apologies) ❤️

Sams25 profile image

So my second beta is tomorrow. Still no symptoms. Had some vague nausea-ish feeling yesterday (to cheese spread and cottage cheese) but nothing significant. I don’t know what to expect… anxiety!!

Thierry101 profile image
Thierry101 in reply to Sams25

It’s crazy symptom spotting, drives you mad but impossible not too! I am 5dpt and no symptoms either! A twinge here and there but nothing. No sore boobs at all! Last two failed cycles I had more symptoms than this xx

Sams25 profile image
Sams25 in reply to Thierry101

True, it’s a curse isn’t it! I am now 12dp5dt and on my 7th cycle/transfer (of the previous 6cycles, 5failed (so many symptoms)and 1MC (some symptoms)).

We are so focussed on getting that initial positive that we don’t think about what follows! There is so much anxiety in the unknown. The mental struggle is tremendous. And only we understand this. Others who’ve conceived naturally don’t know this feeling. That’s why such forums are a life saver!

Thierry101 profile image

this gives me hope - 6dpt and nothing, not even sore boobs. Starting to drive myself a little wild today! Huge congratulations hun xx

Sams25 profile image
Sams25 in reply to Thierry101

Thank you! I know the feeling! I panicked not having any symptoms. All my BFN cycles were full of symptoms. Fingers crossed for you 🤞🏻🤞🏻 I won’t ask you to not stress out ( I had so much anxiety)- but try to breathe and all the best! When is your beta? Keep me informed ❤️

Thierry101 profile image
Thierry101 in reply to Sams25

I’m really praying o follow in your footsteps 💫🤞🏼 I’m starting to panic now when going to the toilet incase I see any bleeding but hopefully all will be okay. Test day is Sunday xxx

Sams25 profile image
Sams25 in reply to Thierry101

I still am! I don’t know how it when this anxiety and fear will go away honestly. I am hopeful that it will though. This community helped me, sitcoms and taking off work and going to a cafe alone with a book are things that’s working for me so far. Good luck for Sunday. Still a few days to go! Fingers crossed for you ❤️👶🏼✨

Thierry101 profile image
Thierry101 in reply to Sams25

Thank you so much!! Hope it starts to feel real very soon xxx

Jayde101 profile image

hey Sam did you have any cramping at all? Or literally just no symptoms at all? Congrats on your BFP x

Sams25 profile image
Sams25 in reply to Jayde101

Hey Jayde, I had absolutely nothing, which is why I was worried!

Thanks for the wishes ❤️ what’s happening with you?

Jayde101 profile image
Jayde101 in reply to Sams25

I have cramping and sore (.)(.) but I know that’s most likely the progesterone I tested on days 5 & 6 both stark white negative :-( I feel like I’m out tbh

Sams25 profile image
Sams25 in reply to Jayde101

I suggest to wait until beta test. Positive pants on!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

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