So I went for egg collection on monday getting a total of 13 eggs foned the embryologist on Tuesday an out of the 13 only 3 had fertilised. Feeling a little bit disheartened but also new in the back of my mind with the the auto immune disorder I have I'm lucky to even get 3. The embryologist said it was abit below average but did give me a little hope in saying the eggs are all doing what they are supposed to be doing an my partners sperm were still swimming at that stage. ive to fone again tomorrow to see how the eggs are coming along (hate the waiting game)!they have also booked me in for an ET tomorrow afternoon which would be day 3 providing my eggs have survived im guessing.has any one else experienced this with some success story's 🥰🙏
Fertilised eggs: So I went for egg... - Fertility Network UK
Fertilised eggs

Hi Jlee. Well then, when I started out in tge fertility game, a long time ago, we only did 3 day transfers, as we didn’t have the expertise to grow embryos on to 5 days, but we still had many successes. Take that with you when you go, and we’ll all keep everything crossed for you. Good luck. Diane
Thank you Diane for your reply providing my 3 wee eggs have survived it to day 3 an they decide to go ahead with the ET today has given me a little hope 🙏will no in a few hours if this is the case feeling back to myself an the bloating has went down dramatically thank the lord.i will write in an update sometime later with the out come.thank you means alot.
It's natural to feel disheartened by the lower-than-expected fertilization rate, but it's also important to hold onto the hope and positivity that the embryologist shared with you. Remember, you've already overcome many obstacles to get to this point, and you're incredibly brave for persevering through it all. The waiting game can be tough, but try to focus on taking things one step at a time and staying hopeful for tomorrow's update. Sending you lots of positive thoughts and strength. xx
Hi lovley ladies So just back with an update on my fertilisation progress all 3 eggs have made it 2 day 3 🙌🙏 2 which are at top quality at grade 8 an one just lagging behind at grade 6. The embryologist has recommended that wee do 1 transfer this afternoon an put 2 back in the incubator to see if they get to blast stage to freeze for back up praying that they do also make it just in the of chance 🤞has any yous ladies got any recommendations or should I just trust the embryologist as they are the experts thank you's for the replies means alot to have some support 🥰
Glad your clinic does day 3 transfers. Normally with low numbers (3 or less) I would go for day 3 transfer. If over 40, double transfer. You may get 1 blastocyst as there is a 50% drop off rate from day 3. I wish you all the best x
It's actually through the NHS northern ireland based this is my first cycle so all new to me to be fair. It was the embryologist that recommended this to me I have an auto immune disorder so I'm not taking any chances at this stage.. will just live in hope that the other 2 survive to day 5 an the embryologist has mentioned at this point there has been no fragmentation in any of them suppose its just a risk we have to take thank you x
That's great. Embryologists are experts in their field but biology is not an exact science. Your 8 cell embryos sound promising.
Hi Jlee, I had 3 eggs too! 1 top grade one was popped back in on day 3 and the other two made it into top grade blastocysts. Fingers crossed for you x
Hi redfox23 just interested to no how ur day 3 outcome was if you don't mind me asking an how did you keep your cool with the 2 week wait. I'm finding myself googling every wee twinge cramp an niggles etc an think I'm putting my own head away I've a constant lump in the back of my throat I'm guessing due to feeling anxious obviously to be expected.ino it could be just down to the prescribed progesterone.I'm trying to do things to take my mind of it but once I finish house work etc I find myself going back to my phone to Google. I'm starting back to work tomorrow doing a little less hours than I would normally do as I work in a busy environment which involves cooking my employer understands an is going to accommodate my needs thank goodness so I won't be doing the heaving load..just wondering is there anything you did to take you mind of it etc x
Hi JLee, I’ve got no useful advice! I was googling crazily like you and spent hours trawling the internet looking success stories for people who had the same 2ww symptoms as me!! 🫣🫣🫣 Unfortunately it didn’t stick for me but everyone is different and I’m hoping yours gives you a positive result 🤞🏻🤞🏻
Awww I'm so sorry to hear that big hugs to you.. I've to take the test next Thursday an it feels like its crawling in. Started back to work an that has helped a 2 wee frosties that fertilised along with this one made it to blast stage also they were going to be for backup incase this one didn't work but unfortunately they weren't the grade to servive the thaw if circumstances had of been different I suppose its just that risk we have to take 🙏🙌
Thank you so much you've give me a little more hope an yes ur right the embryologist put 1 top grade in today an I've to ring back on Monday to find out the results of the other two now the 2 week wait x