Hi everyone,
I am currently in North Cyprus for another few days, not long and wanting to compare 2 or 3 other clinics as the current one I’m not too keen on in Kyrenia starting with “D” I know I can’t mention clinic names but as I want to check out other clinics as I will be coming back in the new year to start a third IVF cycle with own eggs & if doesn’t work - will consider DE, I want to find the same clinic for both.
Any recommendations would be good; has anyone experienced good results or which one could be better between:
British Cyprus IVF hospital or
Cyprus Hope Fertility Team Z (confusing as I’ve heard this clinic is part of British Cyprus Hospital above or do they just use their facilities?) not sure the difference as wanted to visit both to compare?
Third one called Team Miracle
any thoughts of the three above?
Many thanks ☺️