Today had my first frozen embryo transfer and wondering if anyone else is going through this at same time? My test date is 21st November so the waiting begins.
In my 2ww after my FET today. Anyone ... - Fertility Network UK
In my 2ww after my FET today. Anyone else?

Best of luck with it, have my fingers crossed for you! My test date is also 21st Nov, but I’m on my first fresh IVF round, and if embryos survive this week, then looking at a fresh transfer this Saturday, with test day that the NHS have given me as 21st. Rooting for us both! ❤️
I had my first transfer today also. My testing date is the 19th. Wishing you all the best 💞
I had my frozen transfer yesterday. OTD on 19th November. Best of luck 🤞 x
wishing you all the best of luck! I hope everything has gone well today xx I'm also on the 2ww OTD 14th November.
I am also in my 2ww , first ever fresh emmbryo cycle.OTD on 15 th Nov.
All the very best wishes to you . sending you baby dust and many positive vibes.
It's my 4th FET today. The 2WW after transfer is the most nerve wracking time imaginable! Lots of love and luck to you xxx
It really is, I've been keeping very busy most likely on purpose to keep me distracted so I don't worry so much. I'm naturally a person who worries about everything so keeping busy is helping.
Wishing you all the best honestly you are amazing!
Thank you so kind of you.
Thankyou. Sometimes I feel like I'm loosing the plot and imagining it being negative again and kind of making plans on the basis of it being negative, in my mind if I think if I convince myself its negative it won't hurt as much if it is. Which is a load of rubbish as it hurts more and more each time but I guess we do whatever to try and get through the most stressful 2 weeks imaginable! Keeping busy and watching a lot of comedy and making nice plans to stay distracted definitely helps though.
A lot of chocolate has been consumed too! Alongside the pineapple cores, Brazil nuts and decaffeinated drinks ha ha.
Lots of luck to you I hope you're managing to stay positive and distracted. Xxx
Hi, my FET is today and test day the 19th Nov so I'll be in my 2ww soon too. Good luck to you xx