Had my first frozen transfer today (following a failed fresh transfer last November). Anyone else starting their two week wait soon? x
Anyone else entering the 2WW? - Fertility Network UK
Anyone else entering the 2WW?

I’m not but wanted to wish you all the best of luck xx
Few days in and my first time, also FET. Wishing you all the best! 💜
Same to you, hope the next few days roll by quickly for us! 🤞 xx
Hi MiniCeeCee how is your 2WW going? I have been keeping reasonably busy with work but I think this weekend is going to be tough. Today is 11dp3dt for me. I can't stop googling symptoms but determined to wait for OTD.
Hey Aquaharmony good to hear from you! I’m 8dp5dt so test day from clinic is on Sunday 🙈 urine test at home followed by a finger prick blood test at home 3 days later. Like you, think this today and tomorrow are going to be tough! When is your OTD? Work for me too has kept me semi distracted, although every night I’m on google, despite knowing it’s not helpful! It’s just so addictive! I’ve not really had much symptom wise. Yesterday I did feel in what I can only describe as ‘strange’ 😂 and for a moment I let myself think it might have worked. But today I’m doubtful again. So many ups and downs! How are you keeping? X
You are so close now, I think it is the hardest bit. My OTD is not until Tuesday so I have a while longer to wait. It is a urine test and then I will need to arrange to go in either way.
I had a bunch of symptoms but I think it is just the medication. This seem to be settling down now but who knows if that is a good or bad sign. I felt better once my sleep pattern settled down but fairly sure that was all anxiety.
Constantly trying to find little things to keep me distracted but it is impossible not to keep thinking about it.
Wishing you the very best for Sunday ❤️✨
So glad you got your transfer earlier than originally thought! I'm still waiting on mine, think it will be early may 😭 6 months between transfers is just crazy. Hope it goes well for you xx
Thanks Connie290 , appreciate it! And sorry to hear you’re having to wait, 6 months is a painstaking amount of time. Mine as you know was looking at being around 8-9 months originally, but would definitely advise to keep pestering them for cancellations. It really did work. In the end, the wait between cycles was 4 months instead , and they even managed to nudge me forward on a 2nd cancellation that was an extra 6 days earlier, which meant I could get the transfer in a full cycle earlier due to my cycle timings, so every cancellation helps! Xx
Hey, yes me!
Had my Fet Wednesday following and MMC from my last fresh cycle in October xx
Good luck!
not yet , I’m next month but wanted to wish you luck 💕 I have had to wait since my failed fet in Jan and it has been painfully frustrating ! 😩 xxxx
Hi 👋 I’m currently on day 7 of my 2ww. We had a failed transfer in January so this is our second try.. Finding it really difficult not to test atm 🙈 Hope you’re doing ok? Xx
Best of luck to you, really hope this is your time!! The 2WW just gets harder as it goes on doesn’t it! I’m only on day 1 as had the transfer yesterday, so still feeling pretty good, full of hope! But I just know as I get into next week it’s going to be tougher! Work should be pretty busy next week so at least that will keep me distracted. When is your OTD? Hang on in there!! X