Hi All! Hope you are well. I would like to ask for advice. I will soon start my first round of private IVF. It will be a short protocol and will need to make a decision about PGT testing due to my age (41). If I make any embryos, I wanted a fresh transfer and do PGT testing on the remaining embryos but my fertility clinic told me this wasnt possible. Then I asked if I can do a fresh transfer and freeze remaining embryos and then do PGT testing on the frozen embryos before FET but was told this wasnt possible either. I am no expert in this area so I thought I would check on here if this is a normal practice in all fertility clinics here in the UK? Thank you all!
PGT testing advice: Hi All! Hope you... - Fertility Network UK
PGT testing advice

I am in the process of making plans and have been asking about PGT-A testing too. The advice from my clinic has been:
- it is okay to do a fresh transfer so long as I don’t hyper stimulate (create too many eggs), and then freeze and test the remaining embryos, noting the fresh transfer of course won’t be tested.
- for the PGT-A testing, the embryos need to be frozen anyway so that will always be the next step for testing and need to be transferred a few cycles later by FET. They also recommended deciding to test the first time embryos are frozen instead of changing your mind later - freezing then defrosting to test and then freezing again - to avoid potential damage.
It seems odd that your clinic have advised against these two scenarios. I wonder if they see it as advantageous (medically or financially) to batch freeze and test all embryos? Definitely worth following up as your plans seem really sensible and it’s such an important thing to make sure you’re happy with! Best of luck x
Hi, they told me the reason they can't do fresh transfer in PGT cycles is because your body would be out of sync by the time they've done the egg retrieval, the lining is too thin ( I think mine was 5.5mm) and would not accept a transfer.
You should definitely be able to test some of the embryos - before freeze or thaw/freeze.
I would speak to them again and ask them to clarify why. xx
Thank you, all! I will speak to them again to clarify. I am very grateful for this network!
Hi I was offered PGT testing on both cycles fresh and frozen in poland didn't do it on the first cycle (it failed) but did it this time (£1300) and very glad I did. 4 eggs all of good quality 5.2.1 etc. Unfortunately 3 of them did not have all the chromosomes in the right places. This has obviously helped with unnecessary heartache and travel. Still upsetting all the same as it would have been good for them to be frozen. Hope this helps. I'd question the clinic