Hi! Maybe a bit of a silly question, but I'll have to buy some progesteron oral tablets, pessaries, duphaston, estrogen etc. in the UK and I just want to check if that would be available in any pharmacy or do I need a specialist one? Im doing my IVF abroad and I usually buy all my tablets at my clinic, but this time I won't be able to fly to get a top up and a local private gynecologist has agreed to give me a prescription based on a letter from my clinic. Are they typically available anywhere? If so, do they usually have them or do I need to wait for them to be ordered in? I'm based in Reading and can travel into London if anyone has any recommendations for pharmacies, I would really appreciate that!
Where to buy prescription drugs? - Fertility Network UK
Where to buy prescription drugs?

My clinic has me order all my meds from Pharmasure. They have been reliable about having good inventory and quick delivery via DPD.
Amazing, thank you! Would you mind sending me a link; I am having a bit of difficutly finding the right one
They’re great on the phone, so give them a call if anything: +44 1923 233 466
Asda do fertility drugs at cost price, which means some are significantly cheaper (depends on drug) from the pharmacy at our clinic/hospital. They never have in stock in my experience, always 24-48 hrs from putting in prescription.
I buy all of my IVF drugs from Asda and they are much cheaper than the medical companies
They do have to often order them so there is often a few days wait x
Hi. I buy my fertility drugs from Boots. (No bid Asda nearby) . I was really surprised to see how much cheaper Boots was in comparison to the private pharmacy.It always takes time though to have the prescription drugs in hand. My clinic emails me, ccing in the pharmacist, and that's when the order is placed. I pick my medicine 24-48 hrs later. Hope this helps!
Hi, was surprised to read that you were able to fulfil your script at Boots via e-Mail. I tried my local Boots and Asda and both says since we left the EU they could no longer accept via email or even fax and would need the physical script! Was it your local Boots that you used? X