I'm on day 10 of stims. Yesterday (Monday) was Day 9 on stims e2 blood results came back at 6388. My 25 follicles are not huge with the top two being 17/18mm and the rest around 12-16.
After scan Dr said we'd do retrieval on Wednesday as long as bloods weren't higher than 10,000. He said he expected them to be around 10,000. But then last night I heard that my e2 was only 6388 so Dr extended stims for another day and retrieval is now Thursday morning!
Is there any coloration between low e2 and low egg count/quality eggs? I'm worried that although I have lots of follicles that they either don't contain eggs or they're not quality or mature enough for Thursday's retrieval!
Anyone remember their day 9 e2 levels and how many follicles they had and what the outcome was retrieval/fertilisation wise please?