Hi everyone! Some of you may know I had a silent miscarriage in May. Today I had 2 embryo's transferred from a frozen cycle one graded 3AA and the other 3AB, now it's the dreadful 2 week wait, I just thought I would update everyone what is happening with me, I will update everyone when I find out if I'm pregnant or not xx
Double frozen embryo transfer now hor... - Fertility Network UK
Double frozen embryo transfer now horrible 2 week wait

I had a FET (single) on Tuesday after also having had a MMC/pregnancy of unknown location in April. I got very early positives on that and my HCG went up to 2,500 even though it wasn't ever going to be viable, so I am battling whether to have hope or dreading that happening again. I used to love seeing the two lines but now I have such mixed feelings. Trying to be optimistic and not let past experiences cloud this. I wish you success and strength in this horrible 2WW x
👋 hi, welcome to the 2WW.
I had my transfer yesterday: when is your OTD.
Did transfer go well. xxx
Thank you my otd is on the 9th of August, when is yours? The transfer went well but was more painful this time then the previous 3 times, how did your transfer go? Xxx
Yea it can feel different each time. I think it depends on who does the transfer personally. It’s never pleasant. Glad your all sorted and embyros on board.
07th for blood or 9th for urine. Not sure which way to go yet. Feeling super anxious as it’s my last embyro.
I hope it doesn’t drag too much. I’m not an early tester as sometimes I like to live in hope lol xxx
I wish you all the best and I really hope it works for you especially being your last embryo, yes it feels different each time, I'm going to do urine test on the 8th and my blood test is on the 9th xxx
Wishing you lots of luck 🍀
I hope the week goes quick for us both. I’m going to try and keep busy lol 😆
Easier said than done! Lol
Catch up soon xxx
Very best of luck! I hope they stick try to keep yourself busy with other things. Easier said than done, I know...
hello, hope you’re well. I know you’ve had a difficult few months so really hope this works out for you xx
hi Asha! Hope it goes well, I’m struggling as I’m in my two week wait too. I’m currently on day 7 post 5 day transfer. I’m going out of my mind reading the symptoms. I just really really pray it works for us. This will be our 6th ivf cycle (I had two ectopics last year and both ended in tube removal). currently worried as I’m not feeling any symptoms and want to test early! X
Hi! I'm so sorry to hear that, I had a silent miscarriage in May at 9 weeks pregnant, this is my 4th cycle and I feel like it's worked, I had implantation cramps and I have back pain and dizziness, I'm also day 7 past 5 day frozen transfer, I had 2 embryo's transferred one is 3aa and the other one is 3ab. Did you have one embryo or two transferred? I hope it works for the both of us, don't worry to much about symptoms because sometimes women don't have symptoms and have successful transfer, I don't like testing early because I don't trust the results and it can cause anxiety I will test on Tuesday at 10 days past 5 day transfer and my beta is on Wednesday🤞🤞xx
Aw so sorry to hear that Asha- it’s tough when you want it so much and we have to go through all this. Really sorry for your loss.
I really pray and hope this works for you. Test day is Wednesday for me too…tempted to do a home test Monday but may wait until Tuesday. I hope it’s positive.
They have only ever put one embryo back in with me. I don’t get enough to be able to put two back in. I’ve had to do all fresh cycles too….i have everything crossed for you x
I’m 34 years old but we have been dealing with fertility issues since I was 30 - it’s all consuming. My AMH is low for my age hence why they said to go through ivf. Since my tube removals it’s dropped even further. So whilst I’m supposedly ‘youngish’ for treatment, they’re concerned because I don’t have many eggs left.
I'm so sorry to hear that, that must be so hard for you, I will pray for you to have a positive result
Hope yours is successful Asha. I sadly had an intense bleed this afternoon and cramping. Definitely period. The clinic has told me to stop the cyclogest.. So sad that it hasn’t worked again..I thought after the two ectopics, this would be it. It was my 6th cycle too x
I'm so sorry to hear that, I tested yesterday and got a strong positive result, sending lots of hugs xx
Ah congratulations - really happy for you. I hope and pray it continues like that and you have a healthy baby in your arms. I will take a break for a month and hopefully try again. Time isn’t on my side x
Congratulations on testing positive. I hope you have a healthy pregnancy all throughout. How are you feeling now? Any symptoms?
Thank you so much, I'm now 6 weeks and 4 days pregnant and I'm having lots of symptoms really bad nausea extreme tiredness and sore boobs, I checked my hcg levels last Wednesday when I was 6 weeks pregnant and it was 21,524 so it's looking really good, I have my scan on Tuesday. How are you feeling?
That is good news! Good luck on your scan. Oh I'm not in treatment now. Just enjoying our daughter that we had through egg donation overseas.
Thank you I appreciate it, how old is your daughter?
She's 3 now and very adorable. Will this be your first baby?
Aww that's sweet, no this baby will be my third, I have a 22 year old daughter and a 20 year old son and a 2 and a half year old granddaughter and a 2 day old granddaughter
Wow that is a huge gap! And you're a grandma! It must be exciting to have a baby again.
Yes it's very exciting to have another baby, it's definitely a huge age gap, I just found out a few days ago I'm having a little boy