Three weeks ago I had a Chicago bloods and uterine microbiota analysis done at an IVF clinic. Then I got diagnosed with UTI by my GP and I did a course of antibiotics. The clinic came back to me with the results and I had levated NK cells as well as Ureaplasma in the uterine lining. I'm doing a second round of antibiotics (doxycycline) to treat Ureaplasma.
They also want me to start immunology treatment before IVF because of the NK cells.
My question is if the Ureaplasma and whatever other infections that may have been causing my NK cells to work harder and impeding pregnancy have now been addressed by antibiotics, do I still need to take immune suppressants?
The clinic is in Greece but suppressing NK cells is a red flag on the HFEA website. Obviously I will challenge the clinician - I imagine they are probably biased for the treatment.
I can always speak to other clinics for second opinions but I'm 43 and conscious of my chance fast declining so we need to act fast.
Any insights, pointers would be appreciated!