Help ! I’m freaking out ! I have attached a pic of my tests and I’m worried as the latest tests control line seems to be faint compared to the others although the actual test line is darker …is this something to worry about ? I am supposed to be 5 weeks 5 days today and the only symptom I have is tiredness , I keep waiting for the sore boobs but nothing ! My 7 week scan is on the 23rd which seems so far away 🫶
positive tests worried as no symptoms - Fertility Network UK
positive tests worried as no symptoms

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Those tests look really good. The test line is strong. If you can I would stop testing as you will just end up more and more worried. I understand it is hard to stop but you have a positive and now you must wait for the viability scan. Feels like forever!
In regards to the no symptoms it is really common for them to take some time to come and some women never get any. I felt exactly the same as you in my first IVF pregnancy when I had no symptoms until about week 8 when I started feeling rough. I never ever got sore boobs though so try not worry about that. Good luck xx
thank you so much for your reply !! I thought I got over the testing but decided to do one this morning I probably shouldn’t have I know ! This bit is worse than the two week wait. Thats reassuring to know about the symptoms I know everyone is different but I just don’t feel like I’m pregnant, maybe I will be one of the lucky ones that don’t get any lol thanks again for the reassuring message it has made me feel better 🫶
We all do it! I tested so many times first pregnancy and then had to cut myself off. I was going slowly mad. The TWW is so hard but the wait for the viability scan feels like forever! The symptoms mess with your head. I am currently 12 weeks and I don't feel pregnant at all. Only symptom is being tired. It's so common for the symptoms to come and go. I actually missed my nausea when it went as I worried it was bad news but it was all OK at the 12 week scan. IVF makes you worry about everything so much more. xx
I told my partner not to let me buy anymore but he said I would just go and buy them anyway and off course I did! I feel like the last month I’ve just been wishing my life away waiting for these dates .I’m just going to try and relax now as there is nothing I can do what will be will be as they say ! Congratulations on your pregnancy and thank you so much for making me feel like I’m not losing my mind ! 🫶
I bought a bunch of cheapies off amazon and then tested obsessively. Most of us do it. We all wish our lives away waiting for the next scan too. It is impossible not to focus on it when it means so much to us. It does get marginally better over time but everything you're feeling is completely normal. All the best for your scan xx
It’s completely normal (and also completely normal to worry!). I’ve had 4 pregnancies and only on 1 had symptoms before 6 weeks. The wait for the first scan is tough but your tests look brilliant xx
Congratulations! Symptoms really do vary. I didn't get sore boobs until way past week 7 and same as these ladies, tiredness is my main symptom and again that and nausea worsened around week 8.
You've got a lovely strong line. My approach was total distraction until scan date. I accepted I wasn't going to be the best version of me and I watched a lot of TV and did whatever I could to distract myself. It's not easy!!
it was the control line that through me this morning as I started to google and it said the control line would normally be darker than the test line! I am really tired that’s about it and I keep checking my boobs for pain but I think I’m actually making them sore from checking them all the time 😂! Thanks for your reply it’s good to hear everyone’s experiences ! Congratulations on your pregnancy xx
It’s completely normal for the control line to fade as the test line gets stronger. It’s known colloquially as a dye-stealer-it happens as there’s only so much dye in the test kit and so your very strong test line has caused the control to fade. You should stop testing now as the test line can fade again once HCG gets very high. The test line can’t tell you anything more now Xx
Hey Roxy, I'm 1 day behind you! I'm at 5w4d today and have my viability scan on 24th. The only way I'm managing is to just take it all one day at a time and remember that every day that passes is another step closer. I don't know if you've experienced previous loss (and hope not), but it does make it all so hard - I'm trying to really enjoy this pregnancy while it lasts, though, without allowing myself to look any further ahead than the next milestone. Definitely put the tests away and try to relax and keep busy Good luck for 23rd xx
thank you for the reply it’s nice to know there are people in the same boat ! Only a day between us ! I would love to know how you get on at your scan wishing you all the luck ! Definitely putting the tests away now ! Xx
Your tests look really good distraction is key now haha
I know your frustration and worries though! My scan is on the 29th and this feels worse than the 2ww now that I have had the positive tests - I tested on days 10, 12 & 14 and then agreed with husband no more - but yesterday I almost caved and ordered some! Because like you I don't have many symptoms. I was having vivid dreams and these really loud one off hiccups LOL but for the last few days nothing really except side of boobs are tender at night on and off.
It is so hard not to obsess and wonder if everythings progessing, but not too long to go now!x
thank you so much for the reply ! Come to think about it I have been getting that hiccups every now and then myself lol ! Its so hard not to analyse everything but that’s it I’m going to stop the testing and just try and distract myself. I was doing yoga and meditation in my two week wait but it’s gone out the window maybe it’s time to get back to it and read a new book ! Best of luck to you ! Xx
Don't worry about the control line, it has to do with the amount of dye in each individual test.Your positive line is getting darker as it should be when the hCG is doubling every 2 days.
As for symptoms, I had no symptoms for almost a month into my pregnancy and after that they would come and go every few days.
I know it's scary but trust that all this is normal. Enjoy your pregnancy. It's the most beautiful thing and it goes by so so fast. 😍